Are children older than their parents? The question is absurd from the point of view of logic, but psychologically natural.
If parents are not able to take responsibility for their children, they are only interested in themselves, in difficult situations they choose the simplest solutions or do nothing, their children have only one thing left – to grow up as quickly as possible in order to ensure their own survival. When such a child grows up, a traumatized child with a lack of care and affection remains locked inside him. He did not receive positive experiences from his parents in his time, and therefore, as if frozen, he does not know how to feel. And in his adult life, he is looking for satisfaction not of adults, but of those long-standing, childish needs … Giselle Arrus-Revidy, French psychoanalyst, leading researcher at the Paris University Denis Diderot, tells about such families, the reasons for their appearance and the transmission of trauma from generation to generation
Peter, 320 p., 2015.