Monks of Immaculate Conception is a herb especially valuable in the treatment of ailments affecting women. It is valued for its soothing properties related to premenstrual tension or menopause, it also works well as a natural ingredient supporting lactation and ailments affecting the excretory system.
Monks of the Immaculate Conception
Immaculate monks, Latin Vitex agnus-castus is a herb whose healing properties have been known to natural medicine for centuries. Name “chaste»It has its roots in an ancient tradition – the Roman physician Pedanius Dioscorides claimed that women consumed chaste they stayed clean longer and showed less sex drive. Immaculate it is also known in mythology – under the bush chaste the goddess Hera was born.
The name “monks” derives its origin from a wide range of uses chaste in monastic medicine. Action research monks chaste not only noticed that taking it not only alleviates the discomfort affecting women during menstruation, but also lowers the level of sex drive, which was a particularly valued feature in the Middle Ages. Other names chaste monk to chaste pepper or just pepper.
From the point of view of current medicine, fruits are the most valuable chaste monkwhich are somewhat reminiscent of peppercorns. It’s in the fruit chaste monk there are substances responsible for stabilizing the level of female hormones.
Immaculate monks has long been used as a natural remedy for women’s monthly ailments – it helps reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as irritability, mood swings and neuralgia. Use of fruit-based preparations chaste monk regulates the process of menstrual bleeding and has a positive effect on fertility.
Moreover, chaste monks has strong diuretic properties and increases sweating, thanks to which it is recommended in detoxifying treatments.
Monks of Immaculate Conception and premenstrual tension
The main cause of the so-called PMS is the abnormal level of prolactin, a hormone corresponding to lactation, produced by the pituitary gland. When the level of prolactin deviates from the norm, a woman experiences unpleasant ailments before the menstruation, such as nervousness, mood changes, neuralgia or pain in the abdomen and breasts.
Although chaste monks does not contain any hormones, studies show that women using preparations based on chaste experience negative ailments related to menstruation to a lesser extent. Immaculate monks inhibits the secretion of excess prolactin, which leads to the normalization of the level of other hormones, especially progesterone. Regular use chaste monk in the premenstrual period, it helps to relieve pain and mood changes.
Immaculate Conception also works in relieving menstrual disorders. Try the Niepokalanek + dietary supplement to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Monks of the Immaculate Conception and infertility
There have been studies that show a positive effect chaste monk for infertility. At Heidelberg University reported chaste monks 67 women wishing to become pregnant, 37 of whom had infrequent periods and 30 had no periods at all. After 3 months of taking preparations containing extracts of chaste monk 38 of the surveyed women became pregnant.
It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist when taking herbal preparations, because the selection of an appropriate herbal preparation requires as much knowledge as in the case of a chemical preparation. It should be remembered that these types of preparations may interact with the medications taken, posing a threat to our health. Some herbal preparations can have a very strong effect, therefore all recommendations and restrictions provided by the manufacturer should be followed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers must exercise particular caution when using them.
Immaculate monks for men
Immaculate monksand is used in homeopathic treatment of premature ejaculation disorders. Numerous observations also indicate that men taking chaste monks complain less about the negative side effects of andropause.
Immaculate Conception monks – contraindications and side effects
Although chaste monks is an over-the-counter herb, its use may lead to its occurrence in some cases side effects. It happens that some women chaste monks causes nausea and vomiting.
Immaculate monks it should not be used by pregnant women – there are no studies confirming or excluding the harmful effect of the herb on the development of the fetus.
Monks of Immaculate Conception – dosage and availability
Immaculate monks it is widely available in pharmacies and herbal stores. The most popular form of use chaste monk there are tablets containing herbal extract – Dinner 1 packet of tablets is approximately PLN 16. Moreover, chaste monks It is also available in the form of tinctures and condensed extracts.
The supplement with monk chaste, also known as common, has a positive effect on the hormonal balance of women. You can buy Vitex Chasteberry 400 mg tablets in a two-pack at Medonet Market.