In Russia, doctors often make diagnoses that they have never heard of abroad: such “diseases” are considered just a variant of the norm.
1323 September 2015
Vegetosovascular dystonia
Dizziness, increased heart rate, heart failure, chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, sweating, heat waves, nausea … A third of adolescents and 40% of adults experience these symptoms. The diagnosis “vegetative-vascular dystonia” in translation into medical language – “I do not know.” The doctor does not find a disease, but is obliged to make a diagnosis, since you have complaints. All over the world, a patient with such symptoms in the absence of physiological disorders is diagnosed with “panic attacks”. If the test results are alarming, then the diagnosis is continued: they are looking for violations in the circulatory system, the work of the endocrine glands.
This diagnosis means a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora, in other words, there are many “bad” bacteria, and few “good” ones. Symptoms are stool disorders, flatulence, pain, colic. In fact, dysbiosis is not a disease, but rather symptoms that can be caused by various reasons: change of water, poisoning, taking antibiotics. If the painful manifestations do not go away for more than five days, it is important to find their true source, and not to treat with liters of kefir with bifidobacteria.
Uterine tone in pregnant women
Every second expectant mother, at the very first ultrasound, writes this diagnosis on the card, which scares the poor woman, her husband and parents – pregnancy is in danger! There is a real diagnosis of “hypertonicity of the uterus” – this is an excessive contraction of the organ during childbirth and has nothing to do with early terms. The explanation of the tone is simple, the uterus is a muscular organ. She tends to contract, for example, from excitement at a doctor’s appointment. Foreign doctors do not attach importance to such a “tone” and strongly recommend that you continue to enjoy two stripes.
Decreased immunity
“You have poor immunity, so you are catching a cold,” the doctor sums up, prescribing a tincture of echinacea, immunoglobulin or another homeopathic miracle. And we dutifully go to the pharmacy to buy, in fact, non-working funds. Remember: a serious illness, such as blood or kidney problems, or AIDS, or chemotherapy, can weaken the immune system. The defenses of your body, most likely, are normal, it’s just that this norm is different for all people. Immunity responds faster and sharper in young people or those who lead an active lifestyle.
Neck erosion
Our gynecologists call a pathology a harmless physiological ectopia of the cervix, which is observed in many women. As a treatment, moxibustion is prescribed, which is not used in the civilized world. True erosion, with inflammation and infection, can be caused by trauma, exposure to chemicals and is very rare. The poor woman is taught that this erosion of her can lead to cervical cancer, which is fundamentally wrong. To find out if you are at risk of cancer, ask your doctor for a Pap test (Pap smear). If the test is normal, tell your gynecologist goodbye before your next scheduled check-up.
Complain of neck, back, lower back pain? Surely get this diagnosis, which is not in the international classification of diseases. By it, our doctors mean a dystrophic change in the cartilage and the bone adjacent to it. By and large, this is one of the signs of aging, such as gray hair. Osteochondrosis cannot “hurt” – bones, cartilage and spinal cord do not have pain receptors. The source of back pain are joints, ligaments, blood vessels, muscles. In other words, you need to look for the problem more carefully and fix it.