
On the first of April, April Fool’s Day, the sixth-graders of one Moscow school made fun of each other as best they could …

On the first of April, April Fool’s Day, sixth-graders of a Moscow school made fun of each other as best they could … And by the evening it turned out that everyone in the class was offended by each other — literally everyone was hurt by someone’s stupid joke. And one of the guys suggested: since there is a day when everyone shamelessly deceives each other, there should be a day on which they speak only the truth. April 6 was chosen as the Day of Honesty. The Soviet writer Ilya Zverev (1926–1966) wrote in his book about the consequences of this idea and other stories from the life of the 1960th “B”. It would seem that the stories about the schoolchildren of the XNUMXs belong to an era far from us. But Ilya Zverev wrote them so funny, cleverly and delicately that these stories are also interesting for modern teenagers.

TEREVINF, 176 p.

Daria Rybina

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