Illegal viagra and anabolics worth PLN 9 million. Another detained person

Police from Poznań discovered a place where drugs for potency and steroids were illegally produced for a year and a half – probably about 200 tablets were produced there. The place was connected with the world’s largest factory of counterfeit drugs and anabolics, closed a year ago. The Polish Society of Sexual Medicine estimates that up to 62 percent. of these drugs offered in sex shops and on the Internet may be counterfeit.

  1. Poznań policemen discovered a place where approx. 200 tablets of drugs for potency and steroids, worth PLN 9 million, were illegally produced
  2. The place was connected with the world’s largest factory of counterfeit drugs, which was closed a year ago
  3. A man, the 23rd person related to this case, was detained. Five of them were temporarily arrested
  4. The Polish Society for Sexual Medicine believes that most of the drugs available in sex shops and on the Internet are counterfeit

Let us recall: a year ago, the policemen from the department for combating organized economic crime in the Poznań Management Board of the Central Bureau of Investigation of the Borderlands defeated an organized criminal group whose members were involved in the production of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship, as well as placing them on the market throughout the country and other EU countries. It turned out that an illegal factory producing anabolics and counterfeit drugs from well-known pharmaceutical companies was operating near Bydgoszcz. A dozen or so people were detained at that time, incl. in the UK, suspected of organizing the smuggling of counterfeit drugs from China. To date, 24 people have been detained, of which 5 have been temporarily arrested. The group was headed by a leader known as the “King of Viagra”. The expertise of the National Medicines Institute revealed that the tablets contained ingredients that endanger the health and life of buyers.

The Polish Society of Sexual Medicine estimates that up to 62 percent. of these drugs offered in sex shops and on the Internet may be counterfeit. A year ago, an over-the-counter potency drug appeared in the pharmacy. Some doctors believe that over-the-counter erectile dysfunction medication should be withdrawn from pharmacies. Prof. Lew Starowicz is of a different opinion. He believes that it is better to buy a proven drug in a pharmacy than online for a pharmaceutical of unknown origin. Some doctors, however, are satisfied that erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of many diseases that will not be diagnosed, because the patient will not visit the doctor, but will go to the pharmacy for an appropriate over-the-counter medication.

A year ago, when a new drug containing sildenafil, such as Viagra, hit pharmacies, there was considerable interest in it. Asked by MedTvoiLokony, the owner of one of the pharmacies said that in her opinion some doctors complained because they lost money on it. Patients no longer have to pay for an appointment to get a prescription. Prof. Lew Starowicz, commenting on the postulates of many doctors who demanded a ban on selling the drug over the counter, said then that it seemed wiser to educate patients instead of introducing bans and restrictions. – There is no medicine that does not cause side effects, so you should read their leaflets. Of course, the optimal solution would be for men with erectile dysfunction to see a doctor and get tested. But if they do not do it and buy drugs of unknown origin via the Internet, a proven drug available without a prescription in a pharmacy will be a lesser evil – said the sexologist.

According to the estimates of the Polish Society of Sexual Medicine, the problem of erectile dysfunction affects up to 1,7 million Polish men. About 5 percent of people use the help of a doctor. So the question is how the rest have done so far. If we assume that demand creates supply, it can be presumed that many men used illegal websites offering over-the-counter potency remedies. There are plenty of such sellers. They offer all prescription drugs for potency, except that prescriptions do not require. The quality of their goods is guaranteed by the slogan: «100% satisfaction or your money back ».

In addition to non-approved substances with unexplored health consequences, these fakes also contain toxic ingredients. At best, the buyer swallows a plaster tablet dyed blue, most commonly with denim dye. This is why many doctors believe that an over-the-counter erectile dysfunction drug is a good solution. They emphasize that it is difficult for men to admit to themselves that they have a problem in the sphere of sexual life, let alone tell a doctor about it. It is still an embarrassing topic for most. Meanwhile, bed failures can cause serious frustration. – Sometimes one failed intercourse causes such anxiety that it disturbs your erection for the next. Then even the mere possession of a tablet can solve the problem, because the man, knowing that it is within reach, stops stressing – says urologist and andrologist Dr. Jan Karol Wolski.

The Society for Sexual Medicine recalls that erectile dysfunction in about 70-80 percent. cases may be a preceding symptom of many diseases or a side effect of drugs or chronic use of stimulants. However, a headache can be a symptom of brain cancer, and a cough from lung cancer, so should prescriptions for painkillers or cough syrup be introduced? Urologist prof. Andrzej Borkowski believes that selling erectile dysfunction drugs in small doses without a prescription is a good idea. “Men will stop buying illegal drugs of unknown composition, and the questionable effectiveness of aphrodisiacs,” he says. He adds, however, that it would be good to see a family doctor, urologist or sexologist before the first purchase of the drug. In his opinion, the general practitioner during each examination should ask an adult man if he has problems with an erection. Few do this while waiting for the patient to report the problem himself. Meanwhile, gentlemen prefer the doctor to initiate such a conversation himself.

Also read: Half of the drugs sold online are fake

Source:, MedTvoiLokony

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