IKEA Collaborations of the Year: with Designer Lady Di and more

During the Democratic Design Days 2019 in its Swedish headquarters, IKEA told the world not only about the latest interior trends, but also introduced its new partners. Here are some of the most significant collaborations in 2019.

1.With renowned fashion designer Zandra Rhodes.

In search of new colors and patterns, IKEA announced a collaboration with a man who once created outfits for Lady Diana and Freddie Mercury. The British woman is known for her non-conventional attitude to colors and patterns and should help IKEA develop new concepts in such an important aspect of the interior as the color scheme, because colors, like nothing else, can convey or change the mood of the room and those living in it.

2. Art will connect with practicality.

“At IKEA, we believe that art enriches everyday life. That is why we continue to explore different facets of art. Talented and creative people help us in this. The next ART-EVENT collection from IKEA will be dedicated to finding the golden mean between art and practicality. The combination of impractical beauty and everyday design in one piece opens up rich possibilities for creating new types of goods. They will meet the functional needs of people and respond to their emotional aspirations, ”says Henrik Most, Creative Director of IKEA. Six contemporary representatives of different creative directions, such as Sabine Marcellis, Daniel Arsham, creative duo Humans Since 1982, Stefan Marks, Marussia Rebeck and Gelshop, must take IKEA products to the next level and make art accessible.

3.With the World Surf League.

IKEA is committed to the conservation of seas and oceans, and thus the company wants to explore the lives of mobile and active people, whose lives are inextricably linked with water, in order to develop new interior concepts for an active and sustainable lifestyle and contribute to the conservation of the world’s water supply.

4. With the chef Klaus Mayer.

The theme of sustainable and healthy living explains IKEA’s collaboration with renowned Danish chef Klaus Maer, whose Noma restaurant in Copenhagen has won the title of World’s Best Restaurant on several occasions. With the support of a renowned restaurateur who promotes sustainable food production, IKEA wants to enter into a kind of “dialogue” with the younger generation interested in preserving the environment and improving the quality of life. IKEA is committed to supporting the interests of young customers in the conservation of the environment and simply to delight the taste buds of its guests.

5. With an Asian fashion house.

“It was interesting to work with Greyhound Original as they have a wealth of experience in creating striking fashion designs and streetwear from unusual materials, reused or non-standard. This attitude towards materials can be interestingly played in design. Moreover, this trend is becoming more and more significant on a global scale. ” This is how Mikael Nikolic, head of the IKEA creative group in Sweden, explains the company’s creative collaboration with a fashionable Asian house from Thailand. In the course of cooperation, new ideas for sustainable living in small but functional spaces should emerge.

6.With SPACE10 design laboratory.

Together with her, IKEA plunges into the development of new forms of urban life. IKEA sees the goals of the Better Living and Urban Villag projects to improve the quality of urban life, despite overcrowding and limited living space. Together with partners, IKEA wants to rethink the classic forms of buildings and the style of urban apartment life and promotes the idea of ​​living in a kind of multifunctional commune.

7. In 2019, IKEA continues to cooperate with adidas.

In order to create functional rooms for sports at home. IKEA wants to help people stay active despite busy work and limited space to live in urban environments. The results of cooperation with a well-known sports label should be presented in 2021.

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