Film «The Miracle Worker»

The teenage girl is deaf and blind. And at the same time an ill-mannered tyrant, from whom everyone is tired. Everyone except the new governess.

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Compared to children, it is more difficult to negotiate with teenagers, because they are already strong and in many cases can do without you. On the other hand, it is easier to negotiate with them: they are smarter and understand more.

How it happens:

«Deaf». My 9 year old son does not respond when I ask him to do something. And I know that he is not deaf: he hears TV perfectly and communicates freely with friends on the phone. I’m already tired of repeating: «How many times do you have to tell?» «Did you take out the trash?» — Silence. «Have you done your homework?» — She leaves the room. «Did you feed the dog?» — Starts recording a new disc…

What to do?

Personal interest, freedom of choice of time. Cleaning is now like a roller coaster — sometimes calmly, sometimes reluctantly. When I clean it myself, when together, when I myself. We are still trying to come to an agreement. For example, dad asks to go throw some money on the phone. I tell my son — you put money in, I cook dumplings. The son wraps himself in a blanket: «I’m already on my way.» I wrap myself in another blanket: “I’m already cooking dumplings.” They giggled and went to work. I try to give children the opportunity to choose when and what to do. If you need to remove it, then you just need to, and not immediately. It will be done more slowly, but the relationship will be more friendly.

A possible variant of a conversation with a teenager so that he does his homework, and does not have fun at the computer: “Seryozha wants to relax at the computer.”

For similar problems in younger children, see: Ignoring Parent Instructions

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