In order for winter to bring not only disappointments in the form of frostbite of the fingers, peeling of the lips and dry skin of the face, it is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to protecting your body from the cold. Frost, snow, strong piercing wind are the reasons why many do not like the winter season. knows ways not to freeze in cold weather and not get sick from hypothermia.
Many people prepare in advance for the onset of winter and wonder if they need a flu vaccination on the eve of cold weather. But even if you have been vaccinated, it will not save you from many unpleasant moments associated with frost.
Most often, the fingers and toes, as well as the nose, suffer from frost. In order not to freeze the limbs, you need to pour some grated ginger or regular mustard in socks or mittens over other socks or gloves. Ginger keeps you warm, while mustard stimulates blood circulation.
Don’t drink alcohol. It dulls sensitivity, so you can get hypothermic without noticing it. The warming effect of alcohol lasts no more than half an hour, and then the opposite effect occurs, like on a swing: the more you drink, the more you freeze later.
Do not smoke. Nicotine causes a spasm of small vessels and capillaries (they are responsible for the blood supply to the fingers and toes, as well as the nose).
Go outside only after a heavy meal. In this case, we must not forget about fats. Their minimum amount in frosty weather is 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable or 10-20 g of butter.
Breathe only through your nose… This requires that the nasal passages are clean.
How not to freeze in winter.
Keep your feet warm. To do this, you will have to part with stiletto heels: because of the narrow last, they interfere with the normal blood supply to the feet, and the legs freeze much faster. Wear boots in the cold!
Take care of your ears and feet. Wear hats that cover your ears well and wear hoods. On the ears, as on the soles of the feet, most of the active points are located, so after getting wet feet, throat problems can begin. But if you suddenly get sick, you should not immediately drink handfuls of pills, decoctions of medicinal herbs are a good alternative to drug treatment.
Protect your cheeks with cream. The cheeks are the first to freeze because the skin on the cheeks is the thinnest. On the nose, by the way, it is slightly thicker. Therefore, these places must be protected with creams, since the scarf from ear to ear threatens frostbite even faster. You should not do peels in frosty weather: the skin becomes very thin from them.
Layering is our motto in cold weather! Several layers of clothing create an air gap between each layer, the air warms up and further warms us. Therefore, instead of putting on one thick sweater, in which you cannot bend your arms, it is better to put on two thinner ones; the top one, by the way, can then be removed when you come into the room.
The neck is also a weak link in the cold. It contains the vessels that carry blood to the head. Therefore, a scarf should be chosen not chiffon to match the eyes, but woolen or fleece – and denser.
How not to freeze in winter.
Change your glasses to lenses. If you wear glasses, beware of metal frames: they can freeze to the bridge of your nose! Therefore, in the cold, change them to lenses or a safer option in a plastic frame.
Wear mittens. It is better to put on mittens on your hands (it is better if they are two-layer). Fingers, being together, not so give warmth to the insidious frosty atmosphere.
Get used to the frost. Do not run away from the apartment! It is much more humane for the body to try to adapt to the frost, staying for a minute or two at the entrance. If the apartment is +22 degrees, on the street –25 degrees, then the temperature drop is almost 50 degrees.
Check exposed skin for sensitivity. Loss of sensitivity is the first sign of frostbite! Then the tingling of the frostbitten areas begins. To prevent aggravation of the process, rub these places until warming. If it’s toes with socks and boots, jump in place to keep warm.
Frostbite areas should never be rubbed with snow! The ice contained in the snow can severely injure already thinned, fragile skin. In no case should they be immersed in hot water. Better cold (it will seem scorching to you!), Since a sharp temperature drop can damage blood vessels. Warm up with a plate of hot borscht – and now, being warm, you can drink a glass of wine or mulled wine and relax. And in order not to get sick, be sure to follow a diet for immunity.