If you want to live to be 100 years old, be sure to do these exercises

The average life expectancy in Poland is 80 for women and 72 for men. In fact, it depends largely on us what age we will live to see. It is primarily our diet, but also our lifestyle. Researchers have shown which exercises are best for our body. Find out how much and how you should exercise to stay healthy until old age.

The “blue zones” are places on the map where the greatest number of people aged 100 or older live. There are five of them in the world, two of which are located in Europe. People are the happiest, healthiest and longest in these places.

New York Times journalist Dan Buettner, in collaboration with the editors of National Geographic, has studied the blue zones and the habits of their inhabitants. He focused not only on their diet, but also on whether they are physically active. It turns out that most 100-year-olds do some sport every day. Which of them ensured their longevity?

  1. See also: Recipe for longevity. The advice of a Japanese doctor who lived 105 years

Physical activities that affect life expectancy


A very simple activity that almost all of us do every day. It turns out, however, that it has a beneficial effect on our health. For people living in “blue zones” it is part of their daily routine. They cannot imagine that they could go to a market, for example, instead of going there on foot.

Walking is good for your entire body, including your brain. One study found that if we do this daily, we’ll be able to preserve the hippocampus, the part of the brain where memory is stored.


The inhabitants of Sardinia, which is one of the “blue zones”, choose the bicycle as their primary means of transport. This has a positive and long-lasting effect, above all, on their cardiovascular system.


Dancing is another activity that the inhabitants of the “blue zones” love. This type of movement releases enormous amounts of energy in them. Dancing raises the heart rate, among other things. Apart from that, it is also good for cognitive function as it requires coordination from us.

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Tai chi

Tai chi is a series of slow, focused movements combined with deep breathing. It is also called “meditation in motion”. Like dancing, tai chi requires coordination. In addition, it is also important that this Chinese mind-body practice relieves stress. It also proves that exercise does not have to be vigorous at all. Gentle movement is also beneficial for our body.

  1. See: Tai chi helps fight depression in elderly people


It may come as a surprise to some, but gardening is also one of the activities that have a great impact on our health. According to experts, it is basically strength training. Some also believe that this is the best way to ensure your longevity. It turns out that in all “blue zones” people over 90 or even 100 years old still cultivate their gardens. This physical activity primarily improves your mood.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to epigenetics. What is? How can we influence our genes? Do our elderly grandparents give us a chance for a long and healthy life? What is trauma inheritance and is it possible to somehow oppose this phenomenon? Listen:

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