A bloated belly is a problem for people who make dietary mistakes and those who suffer from digestive system diseases. It also appears in women just before the onset of menstruation. It is manifested primarily by the feeling of overflowing inside and excessive gas. It’s no wonder that there are more and more advertisements for flatulence agents on TV – they are the result of a modern lifestyle, associated with stress, as well as eating fatty, unhealthy and in a hurry.
Abdominal enlargement usually occurs after eating a lot of fatty food – it is the problem of overeating and often the wrong ingredients that cause indigestion. Sometimes the bloating subsides after a few hours, other times – only the next day. However, if the symptoms last longer, it may mean that you have ingested the wrong gas-producing substances:
- Sorbitol, an ingredient of many sweets.
- Sugars found in beans and other legumes.
- Fructose present in fruit and honey.
- lactose in milk.
Disease can also be the cause of bloating. One of them is bowel obstruction, which is also manifested by the hardness of the abdomen – this is a violent disease, it leads to the inhibition of the intestinal contents. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, gas and stool retention, and vomiting. The second disease is chronic pancreatitis, which can be recognized by the feeling of fullness in the epigastric region, weight loss and fatty diarrhea. Its most common cause is alcohol.
Chronic flatulence may also indicate inflammatory bowel diseases: irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, as well as Leśniowski and Crohn’s disease, which can affect any section of the digestive tract.
How to get rid of flatulence?
The method of treatment depends on the cause. The most common of them, i.e. flatulence caused by indigestion, must be treated with the introduction of a proper diet. A person suffering from bloating must eat light meals, completely give up fried foods, avoid gassy foods, limit the consumption of carbonated drinks, sweets and alcohol. In addition, it is worth using herbal preparations in the form of infusions and tablets that support the digestive system. Slow, thorough chewing is also recommended.
- For enteritis, anti-inflammatory and other drugs are used. Consultation with a doctor is required.
- With chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to follow a high-protein and caloric diet, as well as to strictly abandon alcohol consumption.
- Irritable bowel syndrome requires both a proper diet and pharmacological treatment. The diet is mainly about increasing the amount of fiber in the food.
- When bloating is caused by premenstrual tension, a vitamin-rich diet should be followed. This can be supplemented with the use of sedatives or contraception.