The last days before the New Year are spent in hustle and bustle and expectation of miracles and gifts. But it also happens that life, regardless of the calendar and festive mood, presents unpleasant surprises. What to do if on the eve of the holidays a loved one announced the breakup?
It is customary to celebrate the New Year with the closest people. But sometimes everything does not go according to plan, and a loved one may declare a desire to leave right before the holiday. It is difficult to endure such a blow, especially when everyone around is rejoicing and having fun. Here are a few steps to help you get through a breakup in a situation like this.
- Give yourself a chance to grieve. Do not try to distract or forget, do not pretend that nothing terrible has happened, but from the bottom of your heart grieve over unfulfilled dreams. Do it alone, sitting at home and wrapped in a blanket, or ask a friend to support you if it is important for you to share your experiences. However, it is not worth getting stuck at this stage. If you notice that for the 10th time you are mourning the failed joint New Year, it’s time to move on to the next stage.
- Try to keep yourself busy. Buy gifts for family and friends, decorate an apartment, meet friends, take a walk, visit, if possible, those places that are not associated with joint memories. Schedule the day so that by the evening you get tired not only from physical activity, but also from impressions. Fill the void with something positive.
- Realize your dream, even the smallest one. Maybe you have long dreamed of skating or going on a trip to neighboring cities, or maybe since childhood you have wanted to have a big teddy bear. Do not think about the benefits, just do something nice for yourself. It is best to prepare yourself a real gift in a beautiful package and put it under the Christmas tree.
- Use the free time for good deeds. Visit a homeless animal shelter or help prepare gifts for lonely elderly people. Or maybe your friend has no one to leave the baby with to go to the store for a New Year’s outfit? Sit with a tomboy, read a book to him, play hide and seek with him. Take a closer look around — you will definitely see an opportunity to help someone. Helping others, we do a good deed for ourselves: we feel useful and needed.
- Surround yourself with positivity. Watch funny movies, read interesting books. Remove anything from your home that reminds you of your ex. Try to bring something new into your daily routine, diversify your usual lifestyle so that the routine does not remind you of the past. For example, instead of having breakfast at home, go to a cafe. Or instead of watching a movie before bed, go to bed early and read a book.
- Don’t be alone for the holidays. Surely there will be those who will be glad to see you. Parents, close friend, next door neighbor. Go visit or invite your friends over. Your newfound freedom will be a great occasion for a noisy and fun holiday.
Be sure to make the most daring wish for the New Year and see — it will definitely come true.