If you drink little fluids during the day, you are damaging your heart

The latest research from cardiologists shows that if we drink too little fluids, we increase the risk of severe heart disease. Insufficient hydration can even lead to heart failure.

  1. It is very important for the entire body to drink the right amount of fluids. Women should consume 1,6 to 2,1 liters of fluid, and men 2-3 liters
  2. According to the latest research by American cardiologists, adequate hydration of the body helps prevent heart disease
  3. Too little water increases the level of sodium in the serum. The body switches to saving fluid, activating processes that are dangerous to health
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The European Society of Cardiology cited the results of a study conducted by Dr. Natalia Dmitrieva from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in the USA (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute). They were presented at the ESC 2021 Congress.

  1. Heart failure is an epidemic of the XNUMXst century

The fact that proper hydration of the body has a beneficial effect on our health and fitness is nothing new. But many people underestimate this one of the most important principles of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, more has been said and written about the fact that drinking the right amount of fluids throughout the day is essential to maintaining a healthy body weight, and much less about the fact that this good habit helps prevent many serious diseases.

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Serum sodium level as a measure of hydration

‘Our study suggests that staying well hydrated can prevent or at least slow down the changes in the heart that lead to heart failure,’ study author Dr Natalia Dmitrieva said at the congress. – We need to pay attention to the amount of fluid we consume each day and take action if we find that we are drinking too little.

According to the recommendations of specialist doctors, daily we should consume 1,6 to 2,1 liters of liquids (women) and 2-3 liters (men). World studies have shown that many people do not even reach the lower limits of these ranges. The measure of the body’s hydration status is the serum sodium level, which increases the more the less fluid we drink. When this happens, the body tries to conserve water by activating processes known to contribute to the development of heart failure.

  1. Before going to bed, we should drink a glass of water. Why?

More than 15 thousand. people

A study by Dr. Dmitrieva investigated how serum sodium levels in middle age influence the possible development of heart failure 25 years later. Researchers also investigated the relationship between hydration and the thickening of the walls of the heart’s main pumping chamber (called left ventricular hypertrophy), which is the first step in the diagnosis of heart failure.

The analysis was carried out in 15 thousand. 792 adults. At the time of enrollment, participants were between 44 and 66 years old and were assessed on five visits up to the age of 70-90. The participants were divided into four groups based on their mean serum sodium concentration at the first and second study visits (conducted during the first three years). For each group, the researchers analyzed the percentage of people who developed heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy at visit five (25 years later).

High sodium levels = higher risk of failure

Higher serum sodium levels in middle age were associated with both heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy 25 years later. During the study, other factors related to the development of these diseases were also taken into account, including age, blood pressure, kidney function, blood cholesterol and glucose levels, body weight, gender, smoking.

The results suggest that good hydration throughout life may reduce the risk of developing left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure. In addition, our finding that serum sodium above 142 mmol / L increases the risk of cardiac side effects could help identify people who may benefit from assessing their hydration level, Dr. Natalia Dmitrieva emphasized.

Also read:

  1. The seven worst heart conditions in adults
  2. How to Avoid Dehydration and Hyperhydration? How much water should you drink per day?
  3. Good practices during the coronavirus pandemic – drinking water and humidifying indoor air

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