Recently I went with a colleague to the alcohol market, to choose alcohol for the upcoming corporate party. Since we have a purely male team, we only looked at strong alcohol. I also liked several tinctures, and my friend began to resent, they say – this is a more feminine version.
We even got into a little argument right in the middle of the store. It turned out that the colleague imagines the tincture as one of the options for dessert alcohol.
As a result, I suggested to refrain from buying banal store-bought vodka, and to taste my homemade tangerine at a corporate party. It takes a long time to prepare, but I always have supplies in my home bar.
The story was shared by blog subscriber Denis.
What ingredients and equipment will be needed
Tangerine is indeed sometimes called a dessert liqueur. But it is in the event that you add a lot of sugar to it. I like a more classic version, which is perfect for a male company.
My homemade tangerine tincture is already waiting for a trip to a male corporate party.
To prepare a strong and unsweetened tangerine, you will need the following ingredients:
- fresh tangerines – 10 pcs. (at the nearest wholesale base I buy a kilogram for 140 rubles);
- vodka “Talka” – 1 liter (a liter bottle costs 510 rubles);
- sugar – 3 teaspoons (I buy a kilogram of sugar in Magnit for 45 rubles).
The less sugar is added, the stronger the tincture will be. Therefore, be guided by your preferences. Empirically, I determined for myself the ideal portion – 3 teaspoons.
The classic recipe does not use the pulp of tangerines, but their zest. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of fruits. The outer shell of citrus fruits must be in perfect condition, without dents, spoilage, dark spots. I also recommend additionally choosing tangerines to the touch. It is worth buying only solid, elastic. Not soft, overripe!
Since I am a big fan of tangerines, I often visit wholesale fruit and vegetable depots. I can delve into a pile of fruits for half an hour and select the best specimens for my tincture
To create a tangerine, you only need a saucepan or a large glass jar. If you insist on moonshine, then it is logical to use a moonshine still. But my cooking method is as simple and handy as possible.
The cooking process
I only use tangerine zest. Therefore, the money given for fruit does not go only to tincture. The pulp can be put on a snack or for the preparation of natural juice.
The white layer that is under the zest will add bitterness to the tangerine. Therefore, I recommend separating it and throwing it away.
I thoroughly wash the tangerines under hot water, peel off the zest, put it in a jar. I fill it with vodka, close it, shake it. I put it in the fridge and wait 3 weeks.
For convenience, you can make tincture in small jars. The main thing is to fill it tightly with tangerine zest.
I buy another 100 gr. fresh tangerines, peel, pass the pulp through a juicer, stir with sugar. I filter the prepared tincture through gauze, add tangerine juice to it. I insist another 3 days, filter, taste.
What will be the result
The color is bright, summery, pleasing to the eye. The shade resembles ordinary orange or tangerine juice, but diluted with alcohol.
This is the juicy tincture I got after the final filtration.
Mandarin well drowns out the smell of vodka and moonshine. The aroma of the tincture turned out to be pleasant, fruity.
To taste, I would compare the tincture with elite store-bought alcohol. My taste buds tell me that tangerine is like an expensive white wine. The first notes are moderate sweetness and a little bit of alcohol. Very long pleasant citrus aftertaste. The tincture at cost came out at only 695 rubles per 1 liter.
What can be added / replaced in the recipe
There are a lot of options for tangerine. For example, vodka is replaced by almost any alcohol. You can take moonshine, cognac, whiskey, rum or just 45% alcohol as a basis.
If you want a more dessert version of the tincture, add more honey instead of sugar. For his wife, he prepared a tangerine with the addition of a teaspoon of vanillin. It turned out to be a very delicate drink in aroma and taste.
A tangerine will become more exotic and complex in taste notes if you add a pinch of cinnamon, cloves or juniper to it. You can also use not fresh zest, but dried. Or make the composition more complex and combine tangerines with lemon, orange and / or grapefruit.
I made a small portion of tangerine with lemon. It tastes more sour, and the color is many times paler due to the addition of lemon zest.
How to serve and with what to use tincture
An ordinary homemade tincture can be presented as expensive alcohol if poured into a beautiful small glass. I recommend serving with ice.
My ideal serving of tangerine is a pretty glass, ice and fruit for an appetizer.
Pairs well with light snacks. Since the taste of tangerine is moderately sweet, it is combined with chocolate, fresh fruits (both sweet and sour), and nuts.
I love tangerine tincture because it is a versatile option. It will complement both a light romantic evening and a dense men’s dinner. I have already compared the tangerine with white wine. And it’s not in vain! Like wine, tincture is in harmony with any meat dishes, side dishes, salads, if you do not overdo it with sugar.
I think that tangerine is undeservedly referred to as dubious alcoholic drinks that are not worthy of a dinner party. Do you agree that this tincture is an undoubted competitor to the store elite? And share with what ingredients do you prefer to make tangerine? I am very partial to her and, maybe, I will note for myself a new recipe.
Dear readers, remember that alcohol abuse harms your body. Take care of yourself!