If we eat ice cream on hot days, we can get tonsillitis? The ENT doctor warns

When the outside temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, the natural human reaction is to try to cool the body down. Most often we do it by eating ice cream or very cold drinks. It turns out that this is not a good solution and can end up with unpleasant ailments.

  1. We reach for ice cream to cool down when the air temperature becomes unbearable. However, in this way we seriously weaken our mucous membranes
  2. Drinking a cold drink or ice cream in hot weather is a thermal shock for the body
  3. Instead of providing relief, we can end up developing a bacterial or viral infection
  4. In hot weather, jumping into the water is also dangerous
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Ice cream eaten in hot weather can pose a risk of angina

Unfortunately, in hot weather, ice cream and cold drinks are not a safe way to cool the body down. What are we risking? For MedTvoiLokony translates lek. Katarzyna Kasperek-Mosoń, ENT specialist from Wrocław Medical Center.

– At very high temperatures, ice cream or very cold drinks can contribute to thermal shock – explains the specialist. – When we drink the drink greedily, the blood vessels constrict quickly, the mucosa is weakened and more prone to infection. Bacteria attack the weakened mucosa and angina develops. This is very common not only after eating ice cream, but also, for example, over the water.

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A problematic situation is when we stay in the sun for too long and then quickly try to cool the body down. This is an activity that we should definitely avoid.

– When we lie on the beach, we are warm and suddenly jump into the water, it results in thermal shock and a large drop in immunity. So large that bacteria or viruses have an open door to attack – explains Katarzyna Kasperek-Mosoń.

In the case of ice cream and cold drinks, as well as jumping into the water, we may experience unpleasant health ailments.

– Bacterial infection progresses very quickly and is characterized by a dynamic intensity of symptoms. This is a severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, increased body temperature. The viral course is milder, but the symptoms are also accompanied by rhinitis, cough, runny nose, pain in muscles and joints.

Do we have to give up ice cream completely in hot weather? The expert replies

Fortunately, there is a way to be able to reach for ice cream or ice water with impunity in hot weather. There are also no contraindications to cool down in a river or lake. Provided, however, that we adhere to specific rules.

– In order to avoid thermal shock and infection, we should enter the water gradually. First, we soak our feet, then gently wash our hands and stomach. So that the whole process is not too dynamic. It shouldn’t be a jump or a throw into the water. Let’s give ourselves 5 – 10 minutes to fully immerse ourselves. Similarly with ice cream – in small amounts, swallowed slowly, it should not harm us. When it comes to drinks, don’t drink them immediately after taking them out of the refrigerator. Better that they stand outside for a few minutes. And let’s not drink too fast. Then the mucosa should cope with this cooling – explains the ENT specialist.

Children love to sit in the water. Can they do it without restrictions?

Adults usually start to feel cold quickly when in the water. However, it is completely different with children. The little ones can stay in the river or lake for hours, as if they did not feel cold at all. This is due to two factors.

– Children get used to the water temperature much faster than adults – explains Katarzyna Kasperek-Mosoń. – Thermoregulation just works better for them. Besides, they are constantly in motion – they run, and they do not stay still in the water. It also helps them adapt better to sudden changes in temperature.

Due to this better thermoregulation, children often do not want to get out of the water. Should parents react and limit this time so that the little ones do not catch a cold? Yes, but only in specific cases.

– If your baby’s immune system is working properly, there is no need to limit your baby’s time in the water. But when there have been situations where a sudden temperature change was enough for a toddler to develop angina, it is better to be common sense – the process of entering the water should be carried out gradually and not let the child stay in the tank for too long – adds the ENT specialist.

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