Once my wife and I were visiting her friend. They talked about women and drank champagne aristocratically. I never would have known it was homemade champagne if I hadn’t asked why it smelled so good.
His smell, indeed, was subtle and very rich, however, it did not at all correspond to my idea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbhow store-bought sparkling wine usually smells. So I came up with this interesting recipe.
It turns out that my wife’s friend gave this recipe to her mother, and her grandmother. Their family does not buy champagne for the holidays at all, because they have their own, which, in quality, is not inferior to the factory one.
Story from my subscriber Yuri.
Why I decided to make alcohol myself
I really liked the taste and aroma of this champagne and, of course, I decided to repeat the recipe. It is very simple, so it will not be difficult to prepare it even for a beginner.
Plus, this champagne does not need any additives, you just need a lot of apples. And this year, they were very handy born decently.
It took me a little time to prepare the raw materials, about half an hour. But, this is taking into account the fact that I have a new juicer. I bought the unit a long time ago, but somehow I could not try it out in practice. There were almost no apples, then something else.
Before starting to conjure over apples, I scoured the Internet and subtracted that such champagne is also stored for a long time. Unless, of course, you drink it in the first week.
What ingredients are required
So, champagne is prepared quickly, simply, and there are few ingredients here too. We need:
- apples;
- water;
- sugar;
- raisins.
I took apples juicy, but sour. Antonovka played the first violin in my champagne. I added a little more “Autumn striped” – I didn’t really want the champagne to be sweet. It’s just that our family doesn’t like this, but in general you can take any.
Squeezing juice
If your apples are not very juicy, then you can add water later. The main thing when choosing an apple is to make sure that it is not spoiled, otherwise there are no more criteria.
Spring water is best. But you will need it only if there is not enough juice. In my case, I did purely on the fruits. Sugar comes with the calculation of 250 grams per 1 liter, raisins – a handful by eye.
The cooking process
So, the first thing to do is to collect apples. I picked fruits from the ground and tried not to take the dirtiest ones, since you can’t wash them, you can only wipe off excess dirt with a dry cloth.
Cut apples into slices and pass through a juicer. I squeezed out 1,5 buckets (a bucket of Antonovka and half a bucket of sweets) and I got 4 liters of juice.
We cut the apples into slices, you can not choose the bones if the juicer is powerful enough
The juice was poured into a jar, a 5-liter one was ideal for this. Do not be afraid that brown foam immediately formed on the juice, this is the beginning of the processes of oxidation and fermentation. As soon as all the apples are squeezed out, we put a rubber glove on the jar and put it in a dark but warm place for 1,5-2 weeks.
You will know exactly when it is time to filter the future champagne on the glove. She will go down. However, it may drop already in the first week, and to prevent this from happening, constantly shake the jar.
As soon as you notice that our water seal from the glove no longer rises, filter it. I always do this with regular gauze, but I run it three times. Be sure to squeeze out the resulting cake, because there is still yeast in the pulp.
Once strained, add sugar. I fell asleep almost a kilogram – 250 grams per liter of juice. The amount of sugar can be reduced if you made wine from sweet apples. We put on the glove again and wait a week.
Foam formation is a sure sign of fermentation
As soon as the glove is finally down, we pour a handful of raisins into the jar. It is needed to make our champagne bubble like store bought. You can pour it into a jar and leave it for a few more days, but I did it differently.
I put 5 raisins per bottle and immediately poured. Then you need to remove the champagne in the cellar for at least 40 days, and preferably before the New Year.
What result did I get
After 40 days, my wife and I took out a bottle to try. It’s amazing, but it’s so delicious!
The taste and bubbles are reminiscent of champagne from youth. The vinometer showed a little more degrees than it should be for champagne, but oh well. For adults, this is not critical.
The drink is very refreshing in the heat and gives comfort in the cold season. Let it be alcoholic, but it has the same taste and aroma of fresh apples.
In winter, it is generally difficult to buy apples and be completely sure that they will benefit the body. In this case, it is better to drink a glass of champagne from your garden. Do you agree?