If the mother is an energy vampire: what to do, tips

If the mother is an energy vampire: what to do, tips

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and visitors of the site! If the mother is an energetic vampire: what to do? Here you will find tips that will definitely help you.

Being a mother is a happiness and a feat at the same time. Motherhood is the sacred vocation of every woman. Giving life to a new person – what could be more beautiful?

However, excessive parental love and care often turns into severe psychological trauma for children. Behind the so-called love lies selfishness and fear of being alone.

What is parental vampirism

Parental vampirism is a consequence of an incorrectly experienced Oedipus complex. Let’s say a person felt a lack of attention from his parents in childhood. It is possible that he will unnecessarily take care of his own children and stifle him with his care.

One cannot but recall the powerful energetic connection between parent and child. This bond is almost impossible to break. This does not benefit the relationship, but, on the contrary, leads to family tragedies.

If the mother is an energy vampire: what to do, tips

Mother and child

Imagine a forty-year-old unmarried man who lives with his mother and obeys her in everything, cannot make even the slightest decision on his own. Is it normal?

Or another case. The children and their divorced mother live with their grandmother, who considers not only her daughter, but also her grandchildren to be her property. Because of this, a single woman cannot find her soul mate and, with her sad example, programs her children for failures in their personal life.

Unfortunately, there are many more cases of maternal vampirism than we might think. Many “unhealthy” families from the outside can look quite peaceful and happy. But in fact, both mothers and children experience mental suffering.

The mother feels moral hunger and therefore tries to compensate for it at the expense of her children. Children cannot in any way “grow up” and become independent, because it is difficult for them to tear themselves away from their mother. But at the same time, they resent her for this stupid guardianship.

Mother – an energy vampire in every possible way shows sacrifice and selflessness towards children. She gives up personal happiness, work and career, and friends. She throws all her strength into raising children, who, in her opinion, will simply disappear without her.

But giving all of herself to the children, the unfortunate mother demands the same from them. Often she tries to bind them financially, to make them financially dependent. After all, if the child is not able to earn his own money, then he will have nowhere to go …

We are accustomed to hearing the phrase “father-tyrant”, but a supposedly loving and sensitive mother can also be a family despot.

Often such women are unlucky in life, have few friends, and behave timidly and insecure in a work collective. Therefore, they pour out aggression on children, manipulate them, humiliate them, and then regret. And so all my life in a vicious circle.

Mom is an energy vampire

What to do if the relationship with the mother turned into a painful addiction? The best advice is to move away from her and live as far as possible. But if this is not possible, follow these tips:

  • do not get into arguments, do not try to prove your case;
  • tell about yourself as little as possible, only facts that cannot be hidden;
  • agree with her advice and criticism, it is better to assent once again than to quarrel;
  • try not to talk about topics that cause disagreements between you;
  • Accept your mother as she is, and ignore her teachings and grumblings.

Women with children should not forget about some important things:

  • you are giving birth to a child not for yourself, but in order for him to live, enjoy life and find his own way;
  • the baby is not obliged to obey you in everything, let him make mistakes, but he will learn from them;
  • trying to protect your child from everything in the world, you thereby do him a disservice – he will grow up weak and irresponsible;
  • if children go their own way, this does not mean that they will stop loving you and leave in old age;
  • the most important thing is love. This is freedom, not addiction! You cannot make someone happy by imposing yourself and your kindness.

Do not forget that the personality and fate of children is almost completely shaped by their parents. It is the latter who are responsible for the mental and mental health of the child. Destructive concern is worse than indifference. Selfish love is more terrible than the strongest hatred.

Learn more in this video: If Mother is an Energy Vampire: What to Do

Mother energy vampire

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