If the husband has prostatitis

So, your man is sick with prostatitis or has problems with erection and potency for other reasons (for example, psychological after sexual failures experienced during a long illness). I can assume that if a woman herself is looking for ways to solve this problem, then this means that a man does not show much zeal in this. Well, there may be other reasons, of course – he works, is very busy, the health of the family (and his, and her, and children) is all on her. But most likely, he just does not take care of his health.

Why does a man take an ostrich position? The most common reasons are:

He hesitates to go to the doctor. Oddly enough, in our time, when the words “Prostatitis”, “Erectile dysfunction” are pronounced aloud on the box and radio, this complex continues to be relevant. It is taken out of the soviet unenlightened past. It is because of this past that we get sick so often.

Fear of the unknown (otherwise it might hurt too…). Surprisingly, men are more afraid of pain than women. He will get into a fight, get bruises and bruises, go in for extreme and contact sports, and won’t go to the dentist until the pain lets him fall asleep and his cheek swells, he won’t go to the urologist until he can urinate. All the pain that you get in a fight is the pain that comes with a rush of adrenaline and you don’t feel that kind of pain. And you need to go to the doctor in “common sense” and feel all this pain. And then the man passes.

Another common reason is to give up on yourself. What? I already have children, I have fulfilled my masculine function. I’ll go, lock myself up in the garage, drink beer with the peasants, or head to work – well, such a fate. And slowly get used to this idea. Admittedly, this is the position of an egoist. I’m so comfortable, I’ll survive without it. And really survive. Testosterone is being produced less and less, and therefore you don’t really want all this. But what about her? And why should she be a victim of this selfishness? And did they want this when they created a family? Why deprive yourself of the joy in life? The joy of loving and being loved.

These are the three main reasons why women have to look for solutions themselves, take him by the hand and pull him to the doctor. But all these attempts are as futile as trying to wean an alcoholic from drinking by coding it – until the alcoholic himself wants to become a person, until he changes his life radically, until he completely refuses alcohol once and for all, he will not cease to be an alcoholic. In the treatment of alcoholism, the greatest attention is paid to psychological work, the creation (awareness) of motivation – “I need it, I want it so much.” The same with impotence, decreased libido, and prostatitis in particular. If a man wants to solve his problems, then his woman does not have to read all this, if she doesn’t want to, then the only way out is to make him want it. The main question is how to do it?

For each of these three reasons, the answer is different. Methods, of course, cannot be universal and fail-safely produce an effect, prompting a man to take care of his health. One can only indicate the ways, but it is better for a woman to think out how to apply this or that approach to the end. After all, if you have known your man for many years, then you probably know what to do, how to adapt some tips to a specific situation. One thing is for sure – in all these cases, the woman will have to act as a psychotherapist and conduct “therapy” on the man, aimed at motivating him to act. So let’s go!

I will not write about the fact that a woman needs to be attractive, it is already clear. Everyone has to be attractive when they want to attract attention, and they are. The most important thing is to make it clear that she is attractive specifically for him, that she loves him and needs the warmth of relations and to be together, not just “because children need to be raised.” Of course, waiting for these signals to be understood as expected is the hardest thing when a man has gotten used to his selfishness. I know many of them. I look at them and am amazed – what can make these sloths change their lives. I can’t say that they have problems with men’s health (I don’t know for sure), but judging by their vitality, they must have them … The only way to get them off the couch is to fall in love with them again. How to do this, I cannot give advice to women – I do not know. Turn on your charm, but you must certainly make it clear that all this is done for him, in no case for someone else, not for everyone, not for yourself, but for him. Smile at him more often. A woman’s smile and a sparkle in her eyes is the most groovy thing. Much more groovy than, for example, erotic lingerie. And most importantly, a smile addressed to a man is the best proof that all this is for him.

But at the same time, you must also make it clear that in return you have the right to count on adequate response actions on his part. If he is so tight that he withdraws from retaliatory actions, pretends not to notice your attempts (as in a joke with a gas mask – did you pluck your eyebrows?), Then call him for a frank conversation – there is no other way out. Dot all the i’s. You have done everything to save the senses. If even then he behaves like jelly, then I will tell you as a man – there is nothing to love this for.

All this is more related to the third reason described, the most severe. The first two are easier. If a man is active in life, it’s just that some complexes stop him, a lack of faith in himself and in the success of treatment, then you just need to help him with motivation. Become for him not just a wife (his woman), become a friend who will give the right advice, support in a difficult situation. At the same time, do not conduct a conversation with some kind of compassion “as I understand you, dear.” On the contrary – “yes, you have me hoo!”. And smile. The openly sincere, the mysterious. Only a riddle in a woman arouses interest in finding her solution. And never let her be found. Always somewhere near, but never found.

If he is ashamed of his illness, show him the forum of this resource. Over 20 members! He is not alone. In the forum, all faceless. no one forces himself to be exposed. Let him read the sections “000 – Help!”, “Exchange of experience” and “Hurrah!!! “I cured prostatitis!” (To read these sections, registration is required, it is free). Let him understand that everyone is openly talking about this problem. If he participates in the discussion, simply asks a stupid question “What to do”, gets a couple of answers and this will help him understand that it is possible and necessary to talk about this, and most importantly, there is someone with him.

Here, in conclusion, I recall that the keeper of the hearth is a woman. I do not want to completely shift the responsibility for the extinction of the flame of passion to a woman, but remember that a man, first of all, brings food to the house, and a woman is waiting for him at home. And how much she greets him at home depends on how much he rushes home. After all, he already fell in love with you once. So what’s the problem in making him fall in love with you again? When a man is seized with passion for a woman, nothing can stop him. This is the same adrenaline that neutralizes pain, fear, and doubt.

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