If the dog is not on a leash: 15 photos of doggies before and after a walk

They are so happy if you give them the opportunity to run and frolic in a race with the wind! True, the owner will then have to clean up the consequences.

You just washed your dog. They combed her hair, or even brought her to a groomer, and now it is just right to send her to a beauty contest. And then we went for a walk and … Yes, with the current spring weather there is every chance that instead of a dog, you will bring home a furry lump of mud. And if you really let her off the leash!

For some reason, dogs are very fond of wallowing in the mud. And the worse the puddle smells, the happier they are: in this slurry they are ready to bathe from head to toe. And then how to carry it home?

No, they will look a little guilty. But satisfaction clearly slips through this guilt: so what if the owner swears, after all, it was so glorious to lie in a puddle!

And some dogs do not even try to pretend that they are ashamed. Look at this handsome Samoyed – he is clearly very pleased with himself. Conscience? No, I haven’t.

And here is a golden Irish setter named Harvey. But this handsome man is not always golden. If he is lucky enough to find a puddle, he will gladly bathe in it. Moreover, Harvey’s owners do not bother him, but watch with emotion as their pet fiddles in the mud.

This handsome white man is the dog of the owner of the dog walking service. His name is Toby, and he is rarely white. Unless in winter, when there is simply nowhere to find dirt on the street.

And how funny a wet Spitz looks! Did you know they have such long legs? It’s just a supermodel! True, dirty.

This wonderful red spaniel adores its owner. He is ready to hug her day and night, in sorrow and in joy, in a clean living room or just from a puddle. She doesn’t seem to mind.

This wonderful Labrador is already 11 years old. And the dog celebrated his next birthday in a puddle. What could be better? “I love my dirty dog,” the owner signed the photo.

French Bulldogs are usually glamorous and adorable. Their vocation is to pose for a photo and sunbathe on the beach while munching on pizza. But no, no, and the inner essence of a real wild beast, which seeks to be as close to nature as possible, will make itself felt.

Border Collies are herding dogs. It is impossible to teach them to behave decently, not to climb into puddles, not to rush in the mud, not to wallow in a ditch. And even if it works out, then this dog will have a very boring and dreary life. These two are definitely having fun – just look at their faces.

Who would have thought that a wet poodle is so funny! Such regal, with hair and haircuts, and look just like ordinary village watchdogs.

Try to guess what color this dog is. No, not brown. And not gray. And not even white. The color of the Australian Labradull is very noble for. But not for a walk.

Little Boo looks very funny without any walks. A little funny dog ​​is the best friend of his owner-designer. But just because it’s small and essentially pocket-sized doesn’t mean it doesn’t like splashing around in the mud.

This spaniel named Diesel is special. He only has three legs. But this does not prevent him from leading a happy life full of adventure.

And this is a resident of prim London. His name is pathetic President Barklett. As you can see, presidents also love puddles. Nothing human, that is, dogs, is alien to them.

And the last mud bugger on our hit parade. This handsome man is adored by the whole family. He sleeps in the same bed with whoever he wants. But sometimes it turns into a pig. Well, who is without sin?

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