If sausages swell during cooking

If sausages swell during cooking

Reading time – 3 minutes.

If the sausages swell, deform or even burst during cooking, this indicator of extremely low quality sausages, so negatively affecting the appearance. During its production, deviations from the technology of the production process or recipe could be allowed. Sausages with soy protein added often swell when boiling – this is often done by unscrupulous manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of production. The addition of soy, of course, degrades the quality of the sausages. If you grill them, they will retain their shape, but they will not taste good. Therefore, when buying them, you need to pay attention to the composition, remembering, however, that manufacturers do not always honestly indicate all the ingredients of the product. In any case, you should not buy too cheap sausages – they cannot be of high quality.

To cook sausages falling apart during cooking, simply cut them into slices – then they will retain their shape. Or, if you have already cooked whole sausages and they are cracked, sprinkle them generously with mustard and tomato sauce, and sprinkle with curry.

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