If hair falls out on the head
How does health condition affect our appearance? What can be recognized by the hands, face, shape and condition of the hair? Alla Misyutina, consultant physician of the Independent Laboratory of Invitro, answered these questions.
If hair falls out on the head
This is one of the first “signals for help” that our body gives, trying to show that something is wrong with it. If your hair has recently gone through dyeing or perm, you will most likely be advised to special masks, balms and lotions to strengthen your hair.
But hair loss can be a sign of vitamin deficiency, more precisely, a lack of B vitamins, in which case a complex of vitamins for hair growth can help. Deficiency of vitamins, in turn, can develop as a result of disturbed work of the stomach or intestines. Another common cause is hormonal disorders.
What to do: it is necessary to define the essence of the problem. For this, it is important to find out how the hormonal and gastrointestinal system functions, as well as to examine the hair itself for excess / deficiency of essential trace elements.
Oily skin, acne, blackheads, blackheads on the skin, acne. One of the reasons for the unpleasant “phenomena” is the hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. The mechanism is triggered by hormones – testosterone and cortisol. If the content of these hormones in the body is exceeded, the production of sebum is very active, as a result of which an oily sheen appears, the skin tone becomes gray, the structure is porous, makeup does not adhere well to it, inflammation easily appears.
Another reason is intestinal disruption. Food products are not processed and stagnate in the gastrointestinal tract, toxins accumulate in the body, the liver cannot cope with their processing, as a result, the absorption of trace elements is impaired, which is reflected in the skin by the appearance of pimples and inflammation.
What to do: The abundance of cosmetics allows you to mask external manifestations, but not to solve the problem. It is recommended to undergo a special test for testosterone and cortisol levels. It is worth examining the work of the stomach and liver, taking a blood test for biochemistry, examining the intestines for dysbiosis.
If your nails become brittle
Sometimes, nails become brittle, begin to break, exfoliate, may change color, become thin, stripes may appear on the surface of the nail … All these signs indicate a health problem.
For example, white spots on the nails indicate that the body is most likely lacking iron and zinc. If the nail plate has become thickened, and its color is yellowish, perhaps this is one of the fungal diseases. Fragility of nails is most often associated with malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, since it is she who is responsible for the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body. And if the nails suddenly began to exfoliate, perhaps the body lacks vitamins A and D or there is a lack of trace elements (silicon, selenium).
What to do: It is necessary to conduct a study of the internal microelement composition of the nail plate. Based on the results, you can understand which vitamin or trace element you lack. Then exclude fungal infections of the nail, if any, and, if necessary, consult a mycologist.
There can be many reasons for being overweight – from a simple unwillingness to take care of oneself to serious hormonal disorders. Among other things, estradiol and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) affect weight levels. Estradiol is a “beauty hormone”, it is responsible for the formation of female sexual characteristics, preservation of elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, shine of hair. But an excess of this hormone can cause obesity.
The hormone TSH regulates the function of the thyroid gland, which means it affects metabolic processes in the body. In case of violations, neither diet nor a special set of training can solve the problem of weight.
Sometimes the appetite cannot be controlled. Why is this happening? It’s all about jumps in blood sugar and disruptions in insulin production. The hormone leptin may also be responsible for an increase in appetite (its deficiency caused increased hunger in experimental mice). It is believed that with an excess of this hormone, the body’s response to it is dulled, so the body continues to feel hunger, while simultaneously increasing the production of leptin.
What to do: First of all, undergo an examination for the ratio of the most important hormones in the body and for glucose. Now in many clinics there are comprehensive examination programs.
It is a common thing when a woman has hair on her legs and arms, in the armpits and in the bikini area. But sometimes they appear where they shouldn’t be.
This is a situation where hair appears on the face or chest. This indicates an increased concentration of male sex hormones (androgens) in the body, which is dangerous for many other reasons – in particular, ovarian dysfunction and infertility occur.
The most common causes of the problem are taking certain medications, dysfunction of the adrenal glands and ovaries, hereditary factors.
What to do: Conventional hair removal methods will only temporarily fix the problem. It is recommended to undergo an examination for the level of androgenic hormones and consult an endocrinologist.