If a man is younger

However, are they so right? World history knows similar cases: couples like yours have no less chance of success than others. Or maybe even more, because knowing about all the obstacles standing in your way, you will cherish your feeling. It’s worth a try anyway. If this is love, she does not care for years, and if not, you yourself will soon find out about it. To help you make the right choice, we have collected the arguments in your favor.


It is in women that sexuality increases with age, and in men it decreases with age. Accordingly, the ideal partner for a woman, for example, 33 years old, is not her age at all, but a man who is ten years younger. Of course, he will have to teach a lot, but his willingness to have sex at any time is also worth a lot!

By the way, a man in this case also does not lose at all: sex with an adult woman who has already revealed her sensuality is much more interesting than with a woman of the same age.

 Mutual exchange

 You have experience that makes you better versed in relationships between people, in business, in restaurants, in wines, in literature … He has the enthusiasm of youth and the desire to learn everything. Opening a new world in front of someone and seeing how he looks at you with admiring eyes is an incomparable pleasure. In addition, a fresh look at what you have been familiar with for a long time can enrich not only him, but also you. Did you think that adult men in young girls are only interested in the body? 

 Your psychological age

 According to psychologists, long-term communication between two people of different ages leads to the fact that one of the couple is growing up, the other is getting younger, and the psychological age of both is equalized, fixing somewhere in the middle. Well, for example, if he is 20 and you are 30, in a couple of years you both will feel at 25. And if you are 36, and he is 24 – at 30, and so on. This is good for you, but not bad for him either. An early adult man always has an advantage over his peers: they still discuss girls and drink beer in clubs, and he already runs the company and plays golf with partners on Sundays.

 An incentive for self-improvement

 And what an incentive! Yes, you cannot relax. Yes, you have to take care of yourself – do gymnastics, go to the pool, give up cakes and spend a lot of time in beauty salons – all in order to match this incarnation of youth next to you.

Do you think this is too troublesome task? But progress does not sleep! A lot of effective means for maintaining beauty and health have appeared recently: there is darsonval, there is cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, there is an analysis of the individual genome. There are oral contraceptives with an important female vitamin that not only protect against unwanted pregnancies, but also help stabilize weight, skin firmness and well-being. By the way, an important female vitamin added to the contraceptive pill will not only take care of your health, but will also work for the future, preparing the body for pregnancy. So if one day you want to become a parent, you will need much less time to prepare for this event.

 In general, the prospects for couples with a difference in age are not at all as dire as it is commonly believed. The main thing that can hinder you is your own inertia, craving for peace, safety and predictability. These are certainly important needs, but don’t let them get the better of your enthusiasm and drive for development. After all, it is at this moment that youth ends! And here it doesn’t matter at all how old you are. And, by the way, according to psychologists, the initiator of divorce in families where the spouse is younger is most often a woman.

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