IDK Samara

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Facts play a huge role in history, especially if it is a medical history. According to the World Health Organization, more than 70% of medical decisions are made based on the results of diagnostic tests. The most common of these are laboratory tests and ultrasound. The laboratory in which the analyzes are performed is usually hidden from the eyes of the average person. To get answers to questions, we looked into the laboratory of the Medical Company “Mother and Child – IDK”.

Who is doing the research?

Diagnostic laboratory “IDK” started work in 1992. Over 24 years of work, a highly professional team has formed here, in which more than 80 people already work – these are laboratory doctors, cytologists, geneticists, biologists, nurses, laboratory assistants and other specialists.

The laboratory cooperates with world leaders in the production of diagnostic equipment and reagents. Equipment and reagents of this level allow performing studies in compliance with international standards and guarantee a high level of diagnostic reliability of the results.

What is the scope of research?

Today, the IDK Laboratory offers its patients more than 1000 types of research, from the simplest (for example, a general clinical blood test) to complex (such as genetic research). Specialists of the Laboratory “Mother and Child – IDK” have successfully introduced non-invasive prenatal diagnostics: this unique study allows already from the 9th week of pregnancy to determine the risks of developing genetic abnormalities in the fetus (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc.) from the mother’s blood.

The results of analyzes largely depend on how the material was obtained, in which test tube it was placed, how it was registered, stored and transported until the moment of analysis. Guided by modern standards of work, the IDK Laboratory uses European-made disposable vacuum systems, which guarantee the high quality of biomaterial preservation.

Laboratory specialists have implemented the laboratory information program Innovasystem. With the help of a bar-coding system, this program makes it possible to fully control the registration process of the patient’s biomaterial, send an SMS notification of the readiness of the study and the results of analyzes by e-mail.

More than 40 doctors work in the Department of Radiation and Functional Diagnostics of the Mother and Child – IDK clinic. The department includes 11 ultrasound rooms, an X-ray room and 5 functional diagnostics rooms.

How is the quality of research monitored?

The quality control system here includes both daily internal laboratory control and external control. The laboratory is a member of the international and Russian systems for external quality control of laboratory research – FSVOK, EQAS.

All specialists of the clinic “Mother and Child – IDK” are in the system of continuous internal training. Doctors performing obstetric ultrasound annually confirm their knowledge in the International Organization Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) – Fetal Medicine Foundation.

“Mother and Child – IDK”

Unified information telephone – 8 800 250 24 24


st. Entuziastov, 29 (metro station “Sportivnaya”)

st. Novo-Sadovaya, 139 (LLC “Center for Family Reproduction”, metro station “Rossiyskaya”)

st. Gagarina / Mitireva, 30/16 (Children’s polyclinic IDK, metro station “Gagarinskaya”)

st. Novo-Sadovaya, 182 (stop. “Plant Tarasova”, opposite the shopping center “Orange”)

CJSC “Medical company IDK”

License to carry out medical activities No. LO-63-01-002793 dated September 15.09.2014, XNUMX, issued by the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region

License to carry out medical activities No. FS-63-01-001470 dated 02.07.2013, issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare in the Samara Region

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