Identifying gifted children at school: methods of accompanying talented ones
The desire to bring up any child on the type of highly gifted will lead to unbearable loads for him. Identifying gifted children requires long-term observation and an integrated approach. The characteristics of giftedness include three main points: strong motivation; ease of learning; ability to be creative.
How to identify giftedness in elementary school
The development of a child’s special abilities depends on his innate inclinations. An understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual will help direct training in the right direction.
Identifying gifted children is essential to helping them
The classification of abilities according to I.P. Pavlov is widespread, according to which there are three types:
- artistic – perceives the world specifically figuratively, without a penchant for analysis;
- mental – perceives the world abstractly with a penchant for analysis and synthesis;
- mixed – balanced type.
To determine what type a child is, you need to observe him. Knowing the strengths of the baby, it is easier for parents and teachers to develop his abilities.
It is wrong to select gifted children for special education up to 5-6 years old using IQ and creativity tests. This is due to several reasons – uneven development in childhood, lack of accurate tests, ethical problems.
An integrated approach to identifying gifted children
Experts have developed various tests designed to identify the intellectual abilities of creative and sports. Each type of test is unique in its tasks, and even one non-standard solution to any task may indicate a child’s giftedness.
School psychologists and teachers conduct tests to identify talented children. But a recognized unified system does not yet exist. The main thing in the development of giftedness and the formation of a personality is that each child must be compared not with others, but with himself, before he starts learning.
To identify gifted children, it is more expedient to use an integrated approach that includes several methods:
- conducting psychodiagnostic trainings;
- organization of Olympiads and competitions;
- assessment of the behavior of children by parents and teachers;
- supervision of children at school and at home;
- exhibitions of creative and technical works of students;
- research of cases of giftedness using tests.
The results obtained from the study of children’s abilities cannot be used to label them “ordinary” or “gifted”. This will negatively affect the development of personal qualities. The purpose of the assessment is to further support gifted children, to provide assistance and support.