“Identify your main fear”: a psychotherapist gave advice on how to find support in difficult times

According to existential psychotherapist Victoria Dubinskaya, in order to find support in a difficult period, we first need to honestly say to ourselves: “The key fear is this one.” And then decide how to proceed.

Existential psychotherapist Victoria Dubinskaya, author of a popular among psychologists YouTube channel and several books, gave an interview to Psychologies.ru, in which she shared several ways of living through difficult times. So, the main thing to start with is to ask yourself the question: “What is the worst thing that can happen to me?”

“When we peer into fear, it works in a paradoxical way: we dissect it, present it in great detail and stop worrying. At this moment, we see the bottom of fear, and behind it the value that we are most afraid of losing, ”explains Victoria Dubinskaya.

Having dealt with the key fear and having drawn the most terrible scenario in your head, you should turn to your own feelings — and separate the whole gamut of various feelings, naming each by name. Sadness, pain, grief — each should be indicated.

And already working with fears and feelings, you will be able to clarify those values ​​that will become your support here and now.

“Someone will see that he, as an intelligent person, carries a non-violent worldview. And this is its value. He will think about the main function of the intelligentsia, which has always been inherent in it: to discuss the important, to teach others to talk, and not to fight, to involve society in this process. Someone will understand that the most valuable thing for him is love for the Motherland, ”says the expert.

In each of these values, one can see the meaning of life, and this will already push us to action, Victoria Dubinskaya is convinced. Read interview with it entirely — it can really give you answers to many difficult questions.

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