Identical twins, i.e. monozygotic pregnancy

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Twin pregnancy is always a challenge not only for parents, and especially for the mother, but also for the doctor in charge of the pregnancy, because more intensive ultrasound control and an increased number of outpatient examinations are necessary than in other cases. What is a polyzygotic pregnancy and what is monozygotic?

A twin pregnancy is very often a surprise for future parents, it is a joy that is intertwined with concern about how childbirth will look like, everyday life with twins, and above all, how the pregnancy will go. In this case, a specialist in charge of pregnancy is very important, who will ensure constant monitoring of the health and life of not only the fetuses, but also the mother. more ultrasound examinations.

Identical twins – monozygotic pregnancy

When it comes to identical twins, such pregnancies are statistically less frequent and unfortunately carry a greater risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. When does a monozygotic pregnancy occur? This is where the egg becomes fertilized and divides. Identical twins are fetuses that will later become identical-looking babies of the same sex that will be very difficult to tell from one another in later development. Identical twins have an identical genetic code. However, according to scientists, identical twins differ from each other in terms of genetic record, because other determinants, for example in terms of health, arise later in life. Research is also constantly being carried out to determine the emotional bond that very often connects identical twins.

A monozygotic pregnancy carries more complications than a polyzygotic pregnancy, a lot depends on the exact day of fertilization. Due to the moment at which the egg was fertilized, a monozygotic pregnancy is divided into:

  1. a single chorionic diaphragm pregnancy divides between days 4 and 7, in which case children will have one chorion and two amniotic sacs. The risk of complications increases.
  2. a double conjunctival pregnancy, in which the zygote is divided into two embryos up to 4 days after fertilization. In this pregnancy, each baby will develop with its chorion and its amniotic sac.
  3. a monovillial monohydric pregnancy in which division takes place 7 days after fertilization. It is a very difficult pregnancy, unfortunately with a high risk of complications and a number of fetal deaths.
  4. in the case of division after 13 days from fertilization, we are dealing with a Siamese pregnancy.

Identical twins – pregnancy risks

Of course, the list of risks when it comes to a twin pregnancy is very long, but some ailments may also appear in a single pregnancy. It is very common for pregnancy-related symptoms to be more pronounced in women who have, for example, identical twins. What complications can arise in a twin pregnancy?

  1. varicose veins of the lower extremities
  2. shortness of breath, general breathing problems
  3. acute nausea and vomiting
  4. polyhydramnios
  5. anemia
  6. preeclampsia
  7. gastosis
  8. cervical failure
  9. early childbirth

When it comes to the risks for the fetus in a twin pregnancy, it is most often mentioned.

  1. high mortality
  2. low birth weight
  3. Stealth Teams (TTTS)
  4. birth defects that are more often diagnosed in twins are: hydrocephalus, anencephaly, heart defects.

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