Ideas for manicure by May 9, manicure by May 9 photo, ideas for manicure at home, ideas for manicure pictures

Ideas for manicure by May 9, manicure by May 9 photo, ideas for manicure at home, ideas for manicure pictures

Such unusual nail art will surely not go unnoticed! And it will appeal not only to you and your girlfriends, but also to older people. After all, the main thing is always in the details, and such a manicure is a great occasion to express your respect for the great Victory Day. Make sure of this by looking at our selection: Womans’s Day has found the most beautiful and brilliant ideas for you.

Stars and St. George ribbon

Anna Perry, the creator and permanent host of the video blog NailEasyDreamArt, suggested using the colors of the St.George ribbon and rivets in the shape of stars when creating a festive nail art.

To create the manicure, the master used varnishes Golden Rose 227, Golden Rose Nail Art 106, Essence studio nails base and Essence quick dry top, rivets in the shape of stars and balls, as well as a special tape for drawing even stripes.

The manicure master from St. Petersburg, known to his clients under the nickname Romawe4ka, offers his own version of the festive nail design. In her video blog, she gives detailed instructions on how to perform this relatively uncomplicated, but very graceful manicure.

“In this nail design, I used China Glaze code orange, black acrylic paint, star rivets and Mirror Shine EVA drying top,” Romawe4ka reveals all the secrets of creating a manicure by May 9.

The author of this idea for nail design is Olga Zyabreva, a manicure master from Togliatti, known on the Internet under the nickname OlgaKolibri.

“I am glad to offer you a gentle and at the same time bright manicure for the holiday on May 9!” – says Olga in her video blog. And he gives detailed instructions on how to create a festive composition, you just can’t call such beauty a manicure!

And again – the main symbol of May 9!

Maria Petrova, Irina Rusanova

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