Dmitry Skvortsov, a plastic surgeon at the Correct clinic and the author of the French cheeks cheek correction technique, told Woman’s Day about what Bisha’s lumps are, whether they need to be removed if they really want to, and what result it can lead to.
Plump ruddy cheeks – a sign of beauty and health – have long since sunk into oblivion. Pronounced cheekbones, like those of Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox and Polina Gagarina, are the dream of modern girls. Tired of constantly pulling in their cheeks for the sake of successful selfies for Instagram, many decide to forget about this problem forever and turn to a plastic surgeon to rid them of Bish’s hated lumps. Let’s find out why nature has included these lumps in the “complete set” of a person and what effect their removal brings.
Where to look for Bish’s lumps?
Relatively speaking, Bish’s lumps are the “fatty body” of the cheeks, which is located in the sub-zygomatic region. They served us faithfully in the first months of life – dense fat capsules provided the sucking function. When the baby begins to chew food, the lumps lose their purpose, and the chubby cheeks give the face a childish look. The growth of these areas of adipose tissue continues up to 7 years, but by 35-40 years, unpleasant consequences may appear: sagging “bulldog cheeks” and folds in the lower jaw.
Operational efficiency: expectations and reality
In the hope of seeing sunken cheeks and accentuated cheekbones in their reflection, women torment themselves with the most severe diets, but, alas, they still fail to achieve the desired result. Resection of Bisha’s lumps has an exclusively aesthetic function: it allows you to correct the oval of the face, remove excess fat deposits, correct age-related changes in the lower third of the face, and prevent the formation of “flews” and deep wrinkles. Despite the fact that in this case, the surgical intervention is less traumatic, and the recovery period takes no more than two weeks, the operation is not recommended for girls under 25 years old.
“Aristocratic” faces have been at the peak of popularity for several years, but not all plastic surgeons support such a fashion. Probably, their skepticism is based on the opinion that the result of the operation is of a short-term nature, since women often stop caring about what and in what quantities they eat. In addition, at the age of 35+, the likelihood of a decrease in fatty tissue is high, which entails an asymmetry of the face. Nevertheless, the removal of Bish’s lumps is one of the safest operations, and the complications after it are minimal.
Important. Visual changes after surgery are not observed in 100% of cases, since the result directly depends on the anatomical features of the structure of the face. To achieve the maximum effect, it is worth considering the French Cheeks technique, which is popular with models and eminent bloggers. Removal of Bisha’s lumps is combined with a tightening of the mucous membrane, which always gives the expected result. For women over 35, MACS-lifting is additionally recommended. Thanks to the use of the CO₂ laser, the possibility of hematoma formation is practically reduced to zero, and the recovery is quick and with minimal discomfort.
How much does beauty cost?
The cost of removing Bish’s lumps in the capital will cost an average of 30 to 60 thousand rubles. Despite the fact that the operation is quite simple, in no case should you save money when choosing a specialist – the surgical intervention takes place in the immediate vicinity of the facial nerves. For those who are alien to the idea of plastic, there are special exercises and gymnastics complexes for the cheeks and facial muscles.
How is the recovery going?
In order for rehabilitation to pass quickly and painlessly, experts recommend refraining from excessive loads on the muscles of the face for two weeks, giving up hard, hot and cold food, limiting the activity of facial expressions (not screaming, not laughing, etc.), not sleeping on your side and stomach , choose a high pillow for sleeping and do not use cosmetics.
Before removing Bish’s lumps, it is important to understand that their resection will not be able to radically change the oval of the face, but will only allow to remove the additional volume in its lower part and highlight the cheekbones. Such an operation is an excellent choice for those who are embarrassed by plump cheeks, saggy skin, “wings” and dream of making their face thinner, younger and more attractive.