Ideal age of the bride and 6 more popular tips on conception

Ideal age of the bride and 6 more popular tips on conception

Our expert approached the issue of offspring from a philological point of view, having analyzed the wisdom inherent in proverbs.

Candidate of Philology, military translator, teacher with almost 30 years of experience.

An intelligent and educated person, A.S. Griboyedov, put into the mouth of Chatsky, his intelligent and educated hero, in general, not the cleverest words: “To have children, who lacked intelligence?” As if the mind is not needed at all for the conception of a new human life. That’s really, really, “for every wise man there is enough simplicity” and “there is a hole for an old woman.” But Pushkin was right even in the details.

The beginning of the fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, as you know, lies in the conception of the prince. When the three girls, dreaming, began to talk about the most intimate, the desire for the father-king to give birth to a hero. Of all the women’s affairs, yarn-making was the longest. Pushkin has three sisters spinning at once. They spun and dreamed of their future destiny, since the thread was endowed with magical powers and was associated with destiny.

The first advice: “Do not guess, but just hope!”

Tsar Saltan heard the girlish words he loved and commanded the maiden: “… be a queen And give birth to a hero to Me by the end of September.”

The girl obeyed willingly.

“And the young queen, She didn’t put off affairs into the distance, From the first night she carried it.”

Some young wives, who have read a lot of pseudo-scientific tales, become agitated about the alleged delay in conception. Oh! Three months have passed, and the cherished two strips have not appeared on the test! Completely grieve! The young queen was in a hurry, and there was a reason for that. The war was going on, and Saltan urgently left the palace. And it was in a fairy tale.

Those who make plans for the future are usually warned with the proverb “man proposes, but God disposes” or, more modern, “if you want to make God laugh, share your plans with him”. We try to do what is in our power, and then be as it will be. It’s a difficult thing, life.

 “Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon the work will be done” – the folk wisdom warns. “

Second advice: “Don’t joke with conception!”   

Not everything is fabulously simple with conception in Russia. If in ancient times our ancestors treated the origin of life as a sacrament, a sacred act, then gradually this attitude was replaced by an attitude as to something unclean, sinful. Words like “got belly” or, more modern, “flew in” appeared. Today, the blasphemous words of the morning prayer of the French actress Augustine Broan seem funny and witty: “O Mary, who conceived without sin, make it so that I can sin without conception!” 

Third tip: “Be healthy!”

To successfully conceive and get healthy and intelligent offspring, you need to know a lot. And for this it is not necessary to study special scientific and methodological literature. It is enough to take advantage of at least the available centuries-old folk experience.

There are many factors that affect the ability to conceive a full, healthy child. The most important of them should always be remembered. First of all, both partners must be healthy. “Do not expect a good tribe from a bad seed.”

The fourth tip: “Cut a tree on the shoulder!” (Age of partners)

The age of the parents-to-be affects the success of conception. According to the Chinese formula, the optimal age of the bride and groom is determined by the formula “the age of the bride is half the age of the groom plus 7”.

This means that if the groom is 20, then the bride must be 20: 2 + 7 = 17 years old.

Doctors (and they are also part of the people, and one should also listen to their experience) recommend having a first-born when the groom is 25 and the bride is 20.

The productive reproductive age for Russian couples is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years for women and from 16 to 59 years for men.

In the old days they said: “Forty years is the woman’s age.” But in those days, crushed by difficult living conditions, a woman often did not live to see fifty. The proverb “at forty-five a woman has a berry again” talks about safe sex after menopause.

Fifth advice: “Hurry – you will make people laugh” (about the weight of the future mother)

The onset of puberty is not yet a reason to immediately acquire offspring. And the point here is not only and not so much whether the marriage is formalized, whether the material conditions have appeared for conceiving a child (money, work, housing, etc.), but about the achievement of physiological readiness for pregnancy. Simply put, in achieving sufficient body weight required to carry the weight of the fetus. Fertilizing too early will produce weakened offspring.

The age of partners is not important in itself and not absolute numbers play a role here, but the close relationship of age with the growth and development of the body. The body of an undeveloped, skinny pregnant woman may not withstand the increased load on it.

Since ancient times, a woman’s body weight has been considered an important factor in childbearing. The people of the Stone Age gave preference to puffy young ladies, and therefore left us a lot of images of the so-called Paleolithic and Neolithic Venuses.

The fact, however, remains that mothers of the most varied body sizes become perfectly pregnant and perfectly bear their children.

This was the ideal of a woman for our ancestors.

Sixth tip: “Look at the moon!”      

There are a lot of nuances, details that affect conception, like the phase of the moon. A child conceived on a moonless night may supposedly be infertile. Conceived in the last phase of the flawed Moon – painful. At dawn – gloomy and even angry. At dawn – cheerful and kind. Lazy at noon and hardworking at midnight. And only on the full moon – healthy and even rich (!).

Such recommendations should be treated with a certain degree of skepticism, without rejecting them, however, as completely devoid of foundation. We plant turnips with an eye to the phase of the moon.

Seventh advice: “Everything has its time.”    

No one disputes the presence of rhythms in the physiological processes of the body and their dependence on the natural rhythms of the environment. It is common knowledge that drugs work differently depending on the time of day. During the day, a person’s body temperature, blood pressure, and blood composition change.

Many couples have an hour of conception at night. This has become so common and familiar that even the expression “he sleeps (slept) with her” appeared, which means far from a dream. It is clear that the night is largely conducive to conjugal union and solitude.

The dark time of the day is quite suitable for training, for rehearsals, but not for the most important performance. For him, you should not take the time when both are tired of the day and need to recuperate. A rested, energetic married couple is much more suitable for the activity of reproduction of the human race.   

All living things are subject to natural rhythms. A biological clock is ticking inside each of us. Man cannot yet control these natural rhythms. All that remains is to obey them. As the Arabs say: “Kiss the hand that you cannot bite.” A person is not free that increased daytime activity is replaced by decreased nighttime activity.

In the morning, all animals (and man is no exception here) begin in the same way: first of all, they get rid of the toxins accumulated during the night. Then they make the transition from sleep to wakefulness: shake themselves, stretch, wash, do exercises … Morning gives a person the greatest daily activity, vigor of spirit and body.

“The morning of the evening is wiser” and with regard to conception, too. Allow only the body to get out of sleep. Feed him. Avoiding extremes, do not go for intimate physical intimacy on an empty stomach or on a full stomach. The middle time between breakfast and lunch is best for conception. Starting the day with conception is great!

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