Icelandic syrup – a natural cough remedy

Icelandic syrup is a medical medicinal preparation that has been popular on the Polish pharmaceutical market for many years. It is a safe, over-the-counter product intended for regular or occasional use. It is recommended to use Icelandic syrup in case of problems with the patency of the upper respiratory tract caused by infection, strain, exposure to harmful weather conditions, accompanied by symptoms such as coughing and hoarseness.

How does Icelandic syrup work?

Icelandic syrup works in a natural and safe way. Its beneficial effect is the production of a thin layer that covers the surfaces of the mouth and throat. The protective layer created in this way soothes inflammation developing in the tissues of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, Icelandic syrup reduces irritation caused by the infection, inhibits its further development and affects the sore throat by reducing its intensity.

Regular use of Icelandic syrup can completely eliminate cough, hoarseness and other symptoms associated with obstruction of the upper respiratory tract.

Icelandic syrup composition

The composition of Icelandic syrup includes mainly ingredients of natural origin. Thanks to this, Icelandic syrup is a safe preparation, intended for common and regular use.

The main ingredient of Icelandic syrup is Icelandic lungwort, also known as Icelandic lichen or Icelandic chimpanzee. It is a species of fungi belonging to the family of thyroid and lichens. The healing properties of the Icelandic lungfish have been known since the XNUMXth century. Since then, it has been used as a means of counteracting the symptoms of cough and soothing its intensity. The Icelandic lung is also used in the treatment of chronic diarrhea and stomach problems. Its consumption stimulates the appetite and regulates the digestive process. Moreover, the Icelandic lungfish tends to stop the growth of microorganisms, including those resistant to antibiotics. Sometimes the Icelandic lungworm is also used in dermatological problems. It has a positive effect in the treatment of various types of skin diseases and accelerates the wound healing process. Interestingly, the Icelandic lungfish is also used to treat the symptoms of seasickness or motion sickness. It has an effect of inhibiting the gag reflex.

The Icelandic lung is found on almost all continents of the world, except Africa and Antarctica. It also grows in Poland, but its independent harvesting is prohibited due to the legal protection of this species.

The other ingredients of Icelandic syrup are: zinc sulphate, mint flavor, preservatives (potassium sorbate) and sweeteners (sorbitol and fructose). Icelandic syrup does not contain alcohol or sugar in the form of sucrose. The presence of zinc has a positive effect on the action of the main ingredient.

Who is Icelandic syrup for and how to use it?

It is recommended to use Icelandic syrup in case of problems with the patency of the upper respiratory tract, manifested by coughing, hoarseness or sore throat.

Icelandic syrup is taken orally. The recommended doses are:

  1. in the case of children aged 1-8: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of the preparation once a day,
  2. in young people aged 8-16 years: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of the preparation 3-4 times a day,
  3. in people over 16 years of age: 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of the preparation, 3-4 times a day.

Given to the youngest children, Icelandic syrup can be diluted in tea or water. It is recommended to take the syrup for up to 14 days.

Icelandic syrup is considered a safe product. Thanks to the lack of alcohol in the composition, it can be used by children from the age of one. The lack of sugar in the composition makes the Icelandic syrup also suitable for people suffering from diabetes.

Contraindications and side effects

Icelandic syrup is not recommended if you are intolerant to sorbitol or fructose, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

Due to the lack of specialized tests, it is recommended that pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding consult a physician if they wish to take Icelandic syrup.

Potential side effects of Icelandic syrup include diarrhea and digestive problems. Icelandic syrup may have a laxative effect when taken over a long period of time in significant doses.

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