Iceberg lettuce

Iceberg is one of the varieties of lettuce. Lettuce is a genus of flowering plants in the Astrov family. The product is cultivated on an industrial scale and sold worldwide. Salad has become an integral part of the diet; it is added not only to cold appetizers, but also to hot exotic dishes.

The external characteristics of the iceberg are very similar to ordinary white cabbage. It is almost impossible to distinguish the ingredients at first glance. The main difference lies in the structure and taste of the iceberg – it gives a lot of juice and crunches well.

General characteristics

Iceberg ranked as a group of heading out salads. A massive head of cabbage is hidden inside the succulent leaves, which can also be eaten. The product was selected in America.

The first name of the product is “crispy salad”. Storing the ingredient required a lot of time and effort. To extend the shelf life, farmers would place the heads on an ice bed or simply sprinkle them with ice cubes. So the prefix “ice” was assigned to the component (from English ice – ice), and later the modern name “iceberg” was formed.

Peculiarities of growing

The product is absolutely unpretentious to environmental conditions. Without much effort, he can be planted in a summer cottage or even in a pot on his own balcony. Agronomists recommend planting an iceberg after potatoes, leeks, or other types of cabbage. A prerequisite is fertile soil and moderately fertilized humus.

The salad develops from a small seed. It is best to plant the plant in a peat pot or open soil. If you decide to grow the plant at home, then use a small life hack. Before planting lettuce, it is necessary to harden the seedlings. Just take the peat pot out on the street for 3 days.

Iceberg is very thermophilic. At a temperature of 18 ° C (mainly at night), plant growth slows down. To protect the sprout from low temperatures, use agrofiber. Experts recommend watering the plant in the evening, immediately after sunset. The iceberg also needs a lot of sunlight and nutrients. With strict observance of all the rules, massive heads of cabbage weighing 500-600 grams are obtained. You can store the product both in the refrigerator and in the cellar for about 30 days.

Useful properties of the ingredient

Rich vitamin and nutrient composition

The composition of green lettuce is able to cover the daily norm of vitamin K. The element is responsible for the health and integrity of the skeletal system, the formation of a high-quality muscle corset. Iceberg is known for its nutrient lacticin. The substance helps to cope with insomnia without resorting to potent medicines. Lactucin calms the nervous system, suppresses depressive states and promotes internal harmony. The composition is also rich in iron, folic acid, carotene, mineral salts, vitamins A, C, E and group B.

Use an iceberg to enrich your morning smoothie. Despite the fact that spinach is the most popular green smoothie ingredient, nutritionists do not recommend zealous with the ingredient. Spinach contains oxalates. These are oxalic acid salts, which lead to the formation of kidney stones and reduce the absorption of calcium. No harmful substances were found in green lettuce, therefore the product is quite suitable for daily use.

Medicinal and preventive effect

2011 Institute of Public Health research advises everyone to add cabbage to the diet. The iceberg is especially good and necessary for the body in the winter, when the concentration of vitamins is minimal, and the risk of a decrease in immunity is high. As part of leafy vegetables, antioxidants were found that fight not only with the common cold, but also with cancer. Scientists confirm that enzymes from green lettuce stop DNA damage.

What is more good salad:

  • increases the body’s resistance to stress;
  • supports and tones the nervous system, protects against stress, depression, nervous disorders;
  • contributes to the normal development of the fetus, supports maternal health, promotes lactation, enriches milk, does not cause allergies in infants;
  • relieves the body of salt deposits;
  • protects the gastrointestinal tract from peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • increases hemoglobin level;
  • the cost of the iceberg is relatively low, and supermarket shelves are filled with the product year-round.

Nutritionists classify green lettuce as a hypoallergenic food. The only contraindication to use is individual intolerance, the cases of which are rare.

The chemical composition of the component

Energy value (per 100 grams of salad)
Fats0,14 g
Carbohydrates1,77 g
Alimentary fiber1,2 g
Water96 g
Ash0,36 g
Caloric value14 kCal
Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of salad)
Retinol (A)0,025
Tocopherol (E)0,18
Fillohinon (K)0,0241
Ascorbic acid (C)2,8
Thiamine (V1)0,04
Riboflavin (V2)0,03
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,09
Choline (B4)6,7
Pyridoxine (V6)0,04
Folic acid (B9)0,029
Niacin (B3 / PP)0,27
Nutrient composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of salad)
Potassium (K)141
Calcium (Ca)18
Magnesium (Mg)7
Sodium (Na)10
Phosphorus (P)20
Trace Elements
Iodine (I)0,41
Manganese (Mn)0,13
Copper (Cu)0,03
Selenium (Se)0,0001
Zinc (Zn)0,15
Iron (Fe)0,25

Use component in cooking

The taste of the iceberg is very similar to the usual leaf lettuce. The only but important difference is the characteristic crunch when consumed. Green lettuce leaves are more juicy and dense. This feature allows you to use the ingredient not only for food, but also for decoration – resistant leaves will keep the necessary shape until the end of the celebration.

Use whole iceberg leaves as “plates” for cold snacks.

The gastronomic industry fell in love with the salad for its juicy, crispy structure and sweet, taste that gives a slight bitterness. Bitterness indicates the presence of the enzyme lactucin. The tasteful palette of the iceberg goes well with almost all food components. Elastic leaves can be subjected to all types of heat treatment, which opens up scope for culinary creativity.

After heat treatment, the vegetable loses 60% of its beneficial properties, vitamins and nutrients. It is preferable to use the iceberg fresh. Leaves can simply be torn by hand and added to a salad / main course / snack.

How to prepare the ingredient

Carefully cut the stump, remove it and send it to the bin. Remove lettuce from a head of cabbage one by one and lower them into ice water. Thanks to a sharp change in temperature, the leaves will become more dense and crispy. A few minutes in cold water will be enough. Dry the leaves with a special salad dryer or simply pat dry with a paper / cloth towel. Only after such simple manipulations proceed with slicing or further preparation of the iceberg.

Salad leaves tend to settle, become saturated with moisture and acquire an unattractive appearance. How to avoid this? Refill the iceberg salad immediately before serving. It is recommended not to mix the ingredients with dressing, leaving this process to the consumer.

Grilled iceberg lettuce with sour cream recipe

This is one of the most unusual salad variations. Suitable for those who switch to vegetarianism, tired of classic salads and just want to get a new culinary achievement in the form of an original dish.

We need

For cabbage:

  • green lettuce – 1 pc;
  • onion – 20 gr;
  • vegetable oil to taste – 1 tablespoon;
  • sesame seeds;
  • spicy seasoning mixture.

For sour cream:

  • soy sour cream (can be replaced with regular) – 4 tablespoons;
  • hot pepper – 2-5 gr;
  • lemon peel to taste.

For the marinade:

  • soy sauce – 1 tablespoon;
  • natural hot sauce – 0,5 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil to taste – 3 tablespoons;
  • peeled ginger root – 4 gr.


Cut the iceberg head into 4 equal parts, after removing the stalk (this part of the cabbage is not involved in the recipe). Mix in a convenient container all the ingredients for the marinade. Marinate the leaves of green lettuce in a spicy mixture and leave at room temperature for at least 10-15 minutes. Combine sour cream, chopped pepper and lemon zest. Thinly chop onions and fry in a drop of vegetable oil. Fry the pickled salad in a separate pan. It is recommended to use a grill pan or, if possible, a grill. The salad should be held on each side for no more than 1 minute, so that the sides are slightly browned and become more crispy.

Serving: put the iceberg in the center of the plate, pour the remaining marinade on top and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Next place the sour cream, sprinkle with a hot mixture of seasonings and garnish with fried onion rings.

Rules for making the perfect salad

Salads rarely deserve special attention when cooking. More often than not, we simply grind the first available ingredients, mix and serve. But even such a simple snack can be turned into a storehouse of good and taste. How?

Learn basic combinations

Product compatibility is a very controversial issue, which is formed on the basis of taste, but there are several important components:

  1. Fruits need to be combined only with fruits, so as not to grease the taste and not make the dish heavier.
  2. Fruits like pear, banana, orange or pineapple rot quickly and should be avoided. The founder of the theory of separate nutrition, Herbert Shelton, argues that rotten components are not absorbed by the body. Therefore, there is no point in using products that will not bring any benefit or gastronomic pleasure anyway.
  3. Starch (avocado, corn, potatoes) cannot be combined with protein (meat, beans) – this combination is very difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Combine starchy vegetables with green lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, green beans, peppers, and beets.
  5. Nuts / seeds / mushrooms / squirrels / legumes ideal in combination with vegetable rather than animal fat.

Balance composition

This item is the most variable. The composition of the salad is determined by your need – a light snack, a hearty snack, a full lunch or dinner. A combination of vegetables, fats (regardless of origin), and greens makes for a nutritious snack. Several types of sour and sweet fruits with honey-spicy dressing will charge the body with fructose and can be an addition to breakfast. Starchy vegetables combined with fats will fill you with energy, stimulate brain activity and help you tune in to study / work. The combination of proteins and vegetables is ideal for a pre-workout meal, while a vegetable plate will give you lightness and satiety after a quality cardio or strength training session.

Do I need a refueling

Dressing should be light and vitamin. It’s best to make your own sauce with your favorite healthy ingredients. Regular lemon juice, pesto, cranberry and ginger sauce, honey are perfect. The main rule is to refuse purchased mayonnaise. If the soul cannot say goodbye to a favorite ingredient so easily, start preparing an alternative. Mayonnaise can be made from low-fat sour cream, mustard and lemon juice.

High-quality training helps nutrients to digest faster, stimulates metabolism and fills taste buds.

Refuse to add sunflower oil – it is absolutely not suitable for salads. You can fill with flaxseed, grape, walnut and olive.

Dressing can always be replaced with a little spice. It is not recommended to get involved in table salt. Use dried vegetable spices, turmeric, chopped cloves, hot pepper and garlic. Spicy dishes warm the internal organs and maintain their tone for several hours.

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