Ice feet – the reason and how to get rid
Constantly cold feet not only cause noticeable discomfort, but also signal serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Before you start dealing with this unpleasant symptom, you need to understand the reasons that provoke it. Why this happens and how to get rid of it, we will tell you in this article.
Ice Feet: Possible Causes
Ice Feet: Possible Causes
If cold feet become a serious hindrance to comfortable well-being, it’s time to seriously think about the reason that caused this phenomenon. It lies in a violation of the blood supply. And this, in turn, can be a concomitant symptom of many diseases and painful conditions, for example, such as:
• vegetative dysfunction, or vegetative-vascular dystonia, characterized by an imbalance between the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system. As a result of this, during the release of adrenaline, the lumen of the vessels sharply narrows, spasm sets in and the limbs grow cold;
• iron deficiency anemia, in which the intensity of blood flow is significantly reduced;
• phlebeurysm. When blood vessels are affected, their tone and ability to properly conduct blood flow are impaired;
• hypothyroidism (dysfunction of the thyroid gland) and diabetes mellitus (problems with the pancreas);
• stroke, heart attack and disorders of the passage of nerve impulses that characterize them;
• unstable blood pressure – a decrease or increase in this indicator can provoke vasospasm;
• helminths, or worms, can also cause chilliness of the limbs due to the ingress of toxins into the bloodstream, to which the vessels react by constriction;
• allergies, especially with a long history. It has been proven that people who suffered from diathesis in childhood are more susceptible than others to the danger of cold feet;
• candidiasis – the presence of an excessive number of fungi in the body contributes to the feeling of icy coldness in the legs;
• some drugs from the family of adrenergic blockers, one of the actions of which is peripheral vascular spasm;
• the frostbite that has taken place will lead to the fact that the chilliness of the legs and arms will always accompany the person;
• smoking, alcoholism.
As you can see, the list is pretty impressive. Ice feet, the cause of which can be very different, is a reason to pay serious attention to your health, not just using folk remedies to alleviate the condition, but by contacting a doctor.
Ice feet: how to deal with the problem yourself
In addition to directly combating the underlying disease that causes this symptom, you can take a lot of other measures that greatly facilitate your well-being:
• regular physical activity – regular walking, cycling, dancing, gymnastics;
• quitting smoking, alcohol, overeating;
• exclusion of stressful and depressive conditions;
• warming rubbing, compresses with alcohol, vodka, apple cider vinegar;
• contrasting baths, baths with salt or pine needles;
• balanced nutrition with the inclusion of vasodilating products in the menu: red and black peppers, ginger, all citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi, cranberries, wheat germ, garlic, nuts and a sufficient amount of water (2 liters per day);
• the wardrobe must strictly correspond to the season – keep your feet warm, do not let them freeze.
Do not make cold feet your companion for many years, get rid of this symptom without neglecting medical recommendations. Follow the simple tips in this review, love yourself and don’t leave your health care for later.
Expert Tips
– Many people face the problem of cold, even icy feet. And this does not happen during illness, but on an ongoing basis. But not everyone realizes that constantly cold feet, freezing even under the warmest blanket, can be an indicator of serious health problems.
There can be a lot of reasons for this condition.: problems with the autonomic system of the body, varicose veins or hypothyroidism, disorders of the nervous system, problems with blood pressure (it is often unstable, it rises, then falls). You may have previously had frostbite, which leads to constant “freezing” of your feet and hands.
In any case, this situation should not be left to chance, but you need to look for the reason and solve it. It is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination at a medical center, which will help you correctly determine the cause of the disease and deal specifically with it.
However, there are some ways that can relieve chilly legs in parallel with the main treatment… This is primarily the rejection of bad habits (alcohol and smoking); constant (first of all, comfortable for you) physical activity; contrasting foot baths and warming compresses and rubbing; the transition to a proper balanced diet, in which it is worth adding vasodilating products. You also need to consume a sufficient amount of clean water per day (from 2,5 liters, depending on your weight and lifestyle) and, most importantly, shoes according to the weather.
Daria Vertinskaya, Expert