Ice cream is the best antidepressant

Ice cream is the best antidepressant

Ice cream is the best antidepressant

For people suffering from prolonged depression, scientists recommend eating ice cream. The use of delicacies, they are sure, not only causes a feeling of joy, but has a positive effect on the work of the brain.

Thanks to this, a positive attitude comes to replace the state of anxiety. The experiment, on the basis of which doctors were able to come to this conclusion, was carried out in Britain. Dozens of respondents took part in it. All of them were asked to eat a serving of ice cream to understand how sweetness affects the brain.

To study the reaction of the brain, the experts performed an MRI scan, and it turned out that the emergence of a feeling of joy gives the very first sip of your favorite dessert. Realizing that the state of depression can be overcome by drinking ice cream, scientists decided to clarify – does it cause addiction in the future, such as a drug?

After all, before, doctors believed that the brain gets used to the state of joy and requires an increase in “doping” in the form of a cold dessert. The result of their research turned out to be as follows: it is impossible to talk about any dependence on ice cream. Consuming large amounts of it, on the other hand, lowers normal activity in the reward-related lobes of the brain. And this means that ice cream cannot be included in the doping list. But you can feast on them and raise your mood with the help of dessert.

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