Ibum Forte – action. How much does Ibum Forte cost?

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Ibum Forte is a pain reliever with a high dose of ibuprofen. How does it work on the body? Can it interact with other medications? We check if there are any contraindications to the use of the preparation, as well as how much Ibum Forte costs.

Ibum Forte – how fast does it work?

Ibum Forte is a strong painkiller that contains a high dose of ibuprofen, a substance used in non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It works mainly by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, as well as thromboxane and prostacyclins. It may also affect platelet aggregation.

Ibum Forte – drug forms and their composition

On the pharmaceutical market, Ibum Forte is available in the form of:

  1. Ibum Forte oral suspension – 5 ml of suspension contains 200 mg of ibuprofen, and the excipients include liquid maltitol, glycerol, xanthan gum, sodium saccharin, sodium benzoate, fumaric acid, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, raspberry flavor and purified water; 
  2. Ibum Forte soft capsules – contains 400 mg of ibuprofen in one capsule, as well as macrogol 400 and potassium hydroxide 50%. The capsule shell contains gelatin, partially dehydrated liquid sorbitol, purified water, quinoline yellow (E 104) and patent blue (E 131); 
  3. Ibum Forte oral suspension with banana flavor – 5 ml of suspension contain 200 mg of ibuprofen. Excipients are maltitol liquid, glycerol, xanthan gum, sodium saccharin, sodium benzoate, fumaric acid, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, banana flavor and purified water; 
  4. Ibum Forte Pure oral suspension – 5 ml of the suspension contains 200 mg of ibuprofen, and the excipients are liquid maltitol (E 965), glycerol (E 422), xanthan gum, sodium saccharin (E 954), sodium benzoate (E 211), fumaric acid, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate and purified water. 

Ibum Forte – indications for use

The main indication for the use of Ibum Forte is pain of varying intensity, from mild to moderate, e.g. headache, migraines, muscle pains, joint pains, bone pains, pain after injuries, neuralgia and menstrual pains.

  1. How to relieve menstrual discomfort?

Ibum Forte can also be taken with colds, flu and infectious diseases, because it has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

How is Ibum Forte oral suspension used?

Ibum Forte oral suspension should be used according to the doctor’s recommendations or the information included in the leaflet. The dose of the preparation depends on the patient’s body weight. According to the Ibum Forte leaflet, these values ​​are as follows:

  1. 5-7,6 kg (3-6 months of age) – a single dose should not exceed 1,25 ml (50 mg), and the maximum daily dose – 3 × 1,25 ml (150 mg); 
  2. 7,7-9 kg (6-12 months of age) – a single dose should be a maximum of 1,25 ml (50 mg), and the maximum daily dose – 3-4 × 1,25 ml (150-200 mg); 
  3. 10-15 kg (1-3 years) – a single dose should be a maximum of 2,5 ml (100 mg), and the maximum daily dose – 3 × 2,5 ml (300 mg) 
  4. 16-20 kg (4-6 years) – a single dose should be a maximum of 3,75 (150 mg), and the maximum daily dose – 3 × 3,75 ml (450 mg); 
  5. 21-29 kg (7-9 years) – a single dose should not exceed 5 ml (200 mg), and the maximum daily dose – 3 × 5 ml (600 mg); 
  6. 30-40 kg (10-12 years) – a single dose should not exceed 7,5 ml (300 mg), and the maximum daily dose – 3 × 7,5 ml (900 mg); 
  7. Over 40 kg – a single dose should be a maximum of 7,5-10 ml (300-400 mg), and the maximum daily dose – 3-4 × 7,5 ml (900-1200 mg). 

In infants under 6 months of age, Ibum oral suspension should only be administered under close medical supervision.

The packaging of Ibum Forte is always accompanied by a measuring cup or a measuring spoon, or a stopper and an oral syringe, thanks to which the application of the oral suspension to the child is easier.

Ibum Forte soft capsules – the maximum daily dose

Like the oral suspension, care should be taken when dosing Ibum Forte soft capsules, because the maximum daily dose of the drug for adults and children over 12 years of age should not exceed 1200 mg of ibuprofen, i.e. three tablets. They should be administered to the patient with a 3-4 hour interval.

However, it is worth remembering that Ibum Forte should be dosed for the shortest possible period in the lowest dose possible. If pain is not minimized within a maximum of three days, see a specialist doctor.

Ibum Forte – contraindications to use

The main contraindication to the use of Ibum Forte is hypersensitivity to any of the active or auxiliary substances of the drug. In addition, the preparation cannot be administered to patients with gastrointestinal ulcer disease, severe liver, kidney or heart failure, colloquial diathesis or patients in the last three months of pregnancy.

There are also contraindications for administering Ibum Forte simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal drugs, as the risk of side effects increases.

Ibum Forte – recommended precautions

Particular caution should be exercised when taking both the soft capsules and the oral suspension, especially if the patient has experienced side effects after taking acetylsalicylic acid. In addition, caution should be exercised in the case of disorders, which include:

  1. Systemic lupus erythematosus; 
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases; 
  3. Hypertension; 
  4. Heart dysfunction; 
  5. Renal or hepatic impairment; 
  6. Blood coagulation disorders; 
  7. Bronchial asthma. 

Additionally, caution should be exercised if the patient, apart from Ibum Forte, takes anticoagulants, diuretics, cardiac drugs or corticosteroids.

Worth knowing

Chonoline yellow and patent blue may increase allergic reactions. Ibum Forte also contains sorbitol, so people with intolerance to certain sugars should consult a doctor before taking it.

Ibum Forte – interactions with other drugs

Both Ibum Forte oral suspension and soft capsules may interact with other medications. This mainly applies to:

  1. Medicines with anticoagulant activity; 
  2. Antihypertensive drugs (due to an increased risk of kidney damage); 
  3. Corticosteroids (increases the risk of gastric or duodenal ulcers); 
  4. Anti-platelet drugs (increase the risk of side effects); 
  5. Methotrelsate and lithium (ibuprofen increases their effect); 
  6. Tacrolimus and cyclosporin (increased risk of toxic effects on the kidneys); 
  7. Probenecid and sulfinpyrazone (delay the excretion of ibuprofen); 
  8. Quinolone antibiotics (increase the risk of seizures); 
  9. Digitalis glycosides and phenytoin (their serum concentration increases). 

Ibum Forte – can it be taken during pregnancy and lactation?

Before starting the treatment with Ibum Forte during pregnancy or lactation, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor, because taking the drug until the 6th month of pregnancy is not recommended, and is forbidden for the last three months.

Ibum Forte may also affect female fertility.

In addition, it has been shown that a small amount of ibuprofen can pass into breast milk, therefore the use of the preparation is not recommended during breastfeeding.

Ibum Forte – is there a risk of drug overdose?

In case of using more than recommended dose of Ibum Forte or accidental ingestion of capsules by a child, please contact the nearest hospital. Symptoms that indicate an overdose include stomach pain, headache, ringing in the ears, chest pain, seizures especially in children, palpitations, loss of consciousness or blood in the urine.

Severe poisoning can lead to disturbances in the central nervous system. Within one hour of the overdose, the patient should be given activated charcoal as part of the symptomatic treatment. It is also important to control vital parameters.

Ibum Forte – side effects

The main side effects of using Ibum Forte include:

  1. Blood and lymphatic system disorders – fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, flu-like symptoms; 
  2. Immune system disorders – hives, itching, hypotension, swelling of the face, tongue and larynx; 
  3. Heart disorders – edema, hypertension, heart failure occurring mainly in patients taking NSAID drugs in addition to Ibum Forte; 
  4. Nervous system disorders – insomnia, agitation, fatigue; 
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders – abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea; 
  6. Hepatobiliary disorders – hepatic dysfunction; 
  7. Kidney disorders – decreased urine output, necrosis of the kidney papilla, sodium retention. 

Ibum Forte – how should I store the drug?

Ibum Forte should be kept out of the sight and reach of children. This medicine must not be kept in the refrigerator. After the expiry date, the preparation should not be used. It is best to take it to the nearest pharmacy, where there are special containers for segregating drugs.

Ibum Forte – price and availability

Ibum Forte is an over-the-counter pain reliever that can be purchased at a pharmacy or online. For 12 capsules of Ibum Forte we will pay about PLN 9, and for 34 capsules – about PLN 15. Ibum Forte Pure suspension costs about PLN 20, and Ibum Forte with strawberry or banana flavor – about PLN 17.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to halodoctor.pl, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home. Now you can use e-consultation also free of charge under the National Health Fund.

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