
Useful properties and application of Iberian bitter

Description of the Iberian


Iberian is an unusual herbaceous plant that has elongated wedge-shaped compacted leaves, as well as chic long racemose inflorescences. White rounded flowers attract attention at first sight. They bloom from May to April. The diameter of the flowers is no more than 5 cm. Reproduction is carried out by seeds and cuttings. Depending on weather conditions, re-flowering also occurs.

The Iberian practically does not tolerate very strong heat. The optimum temperature is considered to be 19 °C. The plant prefers well-lit places and moderate humidity. It prefers rocky soils. This herb grows in Germany and the Mediterranean, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea. It is possible to harvest seeds for medicinal purposes in August and September.

Useful properties of Iberian

The main active ingredients of the herb can be called bitterness, cucurbitacin, mustard oil glycoside, flavonoids and an ester. Flavonoids include kaempferol, quercetin, monoglycosides, kaempferol diglycosides, biosides, and quercetin. Iberian seeds contain not only alkaloids and thioglycoside, but also other useful substances.

Due to its unique composition, the herb has a noticeable tonic effect on the functioning of the heart, has a cytostatic and bacteriostatic effect on the human body, and also significantly increases the tone of all smooth muscles of the important gastrointestinal tract. It has long been used as a choleretic and diuretic.

The use of Iberian

The main indications for the effective use of the plant are numerous heart diseases, various functional dyspepsia, peptic ulcers and gastritis, as well as long-term appetite disorders and serious problems with bile secretion. This poisonous plant is shown only in the form of ready-made pharmacological preparations, in which there is a special content of useful substances, and special tinctures can also be used.

For self-preparation of a decoction, heavily chopped Iberian grass should be poured with ordinary vodka in a ratio of 1:10. For example, 20 grams of raw materials will require one glass of vodka. Such a miraculous mixture must be infused for three weeks in a fairly dark place. After straining, you can use 5 or 10 drops diluted in 100 ml of plain water.

With violations of bile secretion and lack of appetite, this healing tincture is also used three times a day. Iberian is often used in homeopathy in conjunction with other plants. Such drugs in small doses are indicated for various diseases.

Iberian bitter


Iberian bitter is an amazing annual plant, the height of which can vary from 10 to 40 cm. This species has erect ribbed stems on which wedge-shaped leaves with blunt edges are located. The flowers of the plant, which have 4 petals, are collected in elegant paniculate inflorescences. The fruit is represented by a rounded pod compressed on the sides.

Iberian bitter is widespread not only in the Caucasus, but also found in the south of Ukraine and in some regions of Europe. Today, this species is often cultivated as an amazing ornamental plant. In medicine, seeds and aerial parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Iberian umbrella

Umbrella Iberian is considered an ordinary shrub, the average height of which is 30 cm. Dense erect stems carry rounded leaves. During flowering, this perennial plant throws out interesting brushes that are very similar to umbrellas. They are covered with many small bright flowers with a pleasant aroma. Their shades can have a wide palette. The unsurpassed aroma of the plant attracts many insects.

To date, the Iberian umbrella is often cultivated at home. It is unpretentious in care and grows in almost any soil. The long flowering period makes this variety especially attractive. To prolong the flowering period, it is enough to regularly cut off the growing inflorescences. This evergreen shrub will be a wonderful decoration for garden paths and borders. Combinations of rich white and pinkish inflorescences are complemented by chic bright green foliage of the plant.

Iberian contraindications

The main contraindications for taking this plant are pregnancy and childhood. When self-medicating, the dosage of drugs should be strictly controlled. With the careless use of Iberian, in rare cases, dangerous systolic cardiac arrest is possible.

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