I write bitter – a classic concentrated bitter, created in the 30s of the last century by a pharmacist from New Orleans Antoine Amedy Pichot. The fortress is 35%.
Learn more about bitters.
Initially, Peychaud’s bitters was used only as a medicine, but after a while its taste was appreciated in various cocktails, one of which is the world-famous Sazerac.
The taste of Pichot bitter resembles a single combination of licorice, saffron, citrus, and caramel, it is moderately sweeter than Angostura, slightly fruity. The original bitter recipe has been kept secret for more than 170 years, and is known only to a narrow circle of people from the Sazerac Company, Inc.
Pisho bitter can rightfully be considered one of the most popular bitters, without which many bars in the world today cannot do without.
Relevance: 04.03.2015
Tags: Other alcohol, Bitters