I work around gastronomy

Gastronomy is in fashion and together with technology it occupies a special place in new business opportunities as well as in the job market.

The Hospitality Industry for decades has been in charge of increasing the scale of employment in season, whether summer or winter, depending on the type of leisure to which it has been dedicated.

Now a new job expectation is pouncing on the population, technology and the new positions that companies must fill, they are making training schools that give a 360º turn and offer marketing programs, digital, positioning, branded content, etc. .

Within the culinary field it could not be otherwise and leaving aside the technological profile that would surely be of great help to the progress of any business gastronomic entity, we want to focus on the opportunities and new challenges that employment related to food and food must address. gastronomy.

Capacities and aptitudes that must be merged, as if it were a pairing, to create true professionals with specific training in matters of nutrition, tasting, pairing, styling, etc. As the most prestigious Gastronomy Schools in the world have already been developing.

The 5 new job skills

  • Nutritionist: Multiple programs focused on nutrition already exist and are under development, but professionalization in this gastronomic field implies becoming a true facilitator of balanced and exquisite diets. A Gastronomic specialist in nutrition will offer its diners and clients a letter or menu drawn through the healthy prism, without forgetting the caloric and energetic contribution of any meal. You can develop inside the kitchen or outside it as a consultant for restaurants or chains.
  • Collector: Testing and advising has always been the vision of the taster, but to achieve professional development, his figure must be complemented by that of being the guarantor of the quality and properties of the product. It requires constant learning and maintenance of the tastes and elaborations of food. To complete or focus the work activity inside and outside the premises, the development can be focused on sumiller (of wines, coffee or oils), gourmet barista or advisor in openings and elaborations of letters, as well as a food critic or columnist.
  • Chef personal: Very fashionable nowadays, either because of the entrepreneurial capacity that it supposes, as well as the new lifestyles of the citizens of large cities, where schedules, fashion or lack of time, make it very difficult to eat a good diet. , and therefore a true specialist is used to cover that place. Putting the food on the table freshly made at your client’s home, preparing it in advance to give color to a meeting, party or celebration are part of the possibilities of this new work concept. You can also open a market within the world of catering, or collaboration in events, demonstrations, etc …
  • Food Stylist: The assembly, the previous design and the pairing is essential to succeed in gastronomy, therefore, styling is a new way of understanding employment within kitchens, not only outside of them as until now. The presentation of dishes, the publications of each creation in the digital environments of the bar or restaurant, are essential to disseminate the product or the brand. You can help chefs in a restaurant or chain to create special menus, or write in your own or industry publications about style and design in the kitchen, a challenge.
  • Social Communicator: community manager, content manager, author or editor of gastro blogs, they are new ways of understanding the world of collaborations or the employment of the XXI century, but within the kitchens of restaurants this profile is beginning to be demanded to maintain the entire communication strategy and above all dialogue with the followers from the front row of the business. Generally, this activity is subcontracted to an independent but external agency or professional, then it becomes essential to hold meetings, communications and almost daily conversations about what is done or intends to do. Wouldn’t it be easier to live it and tell it in the first person? Surely it would, and that is the new challenge for restaurateurs, to communicate and tell their story from the very origin of creation, the kitchen.

And as a final point, which ones do you think would be missing in this small detail of future opportunities?

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