“I wish I knew this before”: 20 important facts about life and people

Life is a journey. The metaphor is hackneyed, but no less accurate for that. Around the corner – turn. Today you are at the most emotional day and do not understand where to find the strength to live on, and tomorrow – in the “flow”, in peace and harmony with yourself. Be that as it may, life is a movement forward. And what a pity that no one produces guidebooks and maps that we could familiarize ourselves with before we grow up.

1. Most people are afraid to use their imagination. They are accustomed to consider themselves “not creative, not creative.” They are satisfied with this world as it is, they do not seek to improve it, and all because they have lost touch with their inner child.

2. Few people care about our dreams. Some may be curious. Some may even support us in our endeavors. But no one burns our dream like we do.

3. Most friends don’t last forever. We walk certain sections of the road shoulder to shoulder, sharing common interests. But we are moving forward, our priorities and hobbies are changing, and so are our friends. And sooner or later our paths may part.

4. Our potential grows with age. This means that up to a certain age every year we become able to do more and not less, as many used to think. And all thanks to the accumulated knowledge and experience.

5. Spontaneity is the sister of creativity. If you follow the same familiar route every day, the chance of making an amazing discovery is extremely low. It’s different when you were a kid: remember how spontaneous you were? Anything could happen to you at any time!

6. With age, we lose touch with life in all its diversity. When was the last time you jumped in puddles? Did you sit on the grass and look at insects, stones, earth or your own knees? Do it again. You will feel a surge of vitality.

7. Most people are not busy doing what they love. Many of us do not live the life we ​​dreamed of, because at some point we gave up, stopped fighting for our dreams. And with each passing day, we are more and more convinced that it will be so, that nothing can be changed. Don’t fall into this trap.

8. Many people stop reading when they graduate from college. Your environment may be a happy exception to the rule, but most, when asked about the last book they read, say something like: “Oh, I haven’t read anything in a hundred years.”

9. People talk more than they listen. The sad truth is that most interlocutors simply wait until the communication partner is silent in order to continue their monologue.

10. Creativity takes practice. It would seem that in society, creativity is held in high esteem, but creative impulses are often restrained and even condemned, except when they bring money. Pump your “creative muscles” the same way you train your body.

11. Success is a relative concept. That is why it is so important to determine what it means to you. Otherwise, you are doomed to play by someone else’s rules and race for a prize that is of no interest to you.

12. Parents cannot be changed. Humble yourself: your mom and dad are the way they are, and they can’t be changed. And it doesn’t matter if they support you in your endeavors or not, you can still be grateful to them for giving you life.

13. The only person with whom you always have to wake up in the morning is yourself. When we are young, it seems to us that we need to conquer the whole world. This is not true. The people around you are not the ones you should be guided by. Do what makes you happy and allows you to live the life you want. Make happy the most important person in your life – yourself.

14. Nothing brings such pleasure as what we do with the soul. Money, success, external approval are nothing compared to the pure joy that comes from doing what you love. Follow your heart and the rest will appear.

15. Our potential is directly related to how well we know ourselves. Who gets whatever they want? Someone who knows himself and knows how to use his strengths. The rest are doomed to make the same mistakes, step on the same rake.

16. Those who doubt you today will return to you one day. The teenager who bullied you at school will one day come asking for a job. The girl who refused to date you will call one day, knowing what you have achieved. It always happens that way. Just be yourself, do what you believe in and ignore those who doubt you.

17. You are a reflection of the five people you spend the most time with. You are not a lone player, even if you are firmly convinced of this. You are influenced by those around you, so make sure they are those you admire.

18. Our beliefs change. What we believe in changes depending on what stage of the life path we are at, who surrounds us, what we aspire to.

19. Everything is poison and everything is medicine. The older you get, the less “right” and “wrong” there are in life. What for one is a way to relax on Sunday, for another is a coping mechanism. The main thing is to know your own habits well and understand what you spend your free time on, and if some activities have begun to “suck” you, figure out why you are not able to give them up.

20. The main goal is to become yourself. This is also the main meaning of life – to know yourself, to be true to yourself, to be yourself, no matter what you do. You are both a creator and a masterpiece. And sculpture, and sculptor, and painter, and portrait. Create yourself and enjoy what you get.

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