I went to the Czech Republic and tried Becherovka there – I decided to repeat it at home: what came of it

Even before the appearance of the coronavirus, I managed to go on vacation to the Czech Republic. Going into local shops, I noticed Becherovka. I can’t say that I am a big fan and connoisseur of strong alcohol, but for some reason I really wanted to try Becherovka.

I went to the bar and ordered a glass of liquor. And you know, I liked it too. And, of course, I decided to make a “bourgeois” drink at home. I will share the recipe with you.

I am a big fan of trying different national alcohol when traveling. Yes, a few years ago I also could not resist in Prague and tried this famous liquor. But I did not think that it can be cooked at home. Thank you, Arina K. for your recipe! I will definitely try to do it.

Why did I decide to do it myself

I did not manage to bring a bottle of liquor home. Yes, of course, in our stores there is no shortage of such drinks. But the Czech “spirit” cannot be bought for any amount of money. Yes, and we have a bottle with a capacity of 0,7 liters of at least 900 rubles.

That’s why I decided to try my hand and “create” Becherovka on my own. Before proceeding to the practical side of things, I carefully studied the Internet. I also talked to friends who had experience making homemade drinks.

After analyzing the entire flow of information that “fell down” on me, I made a decision. Yes, I want to take a chance and make a liquor. And after all, I succeeded!

What ingredients are required

I am a thorough and prudent person. And before getting down to business, I went to the store and bought everything I needed. And even with a margin.

So, I needed:

  • 1 liter of vodka, I took the “Russian Standard”;
  • 200 ml of medical alcohol;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 15 pcs. carnations;
  • 2 boxes of cardamom;
  • 1 teaspoon anise;
  • 10 peas of sweet pepper;
  • orange zest (removed from half an orange);
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla;
  • 50 gr. oak bark (sold in a pharmacy);
  • 5 gr. oregano;
  • 150 gr. sugar (for syrup);
  • 300 ml of water (for syrup).

I read that the original drink is prepared on pure Karlovy Vary water. Of course, I didn’t have one. But I live in a small village. And we have a spring. This is the water I used for my experiments.

The cooking process

Before the start of the “witchcraft”, I poured boiling water over the oak bark for half an hour. Then she drained the water and dried it a little with a paper towel. My friends advised me this way to get rid of the excess bitterness inherent in oak.

Then I took a glass jar. I put spices in there. Filled everything with vodka and medical alcohol. Then tightly closed the lid and sent the container to the pantry. This is the perfect place to make homemade drinks. It is always dark and the temperature is kept constant.

For a week, I shook the contents of the jar daily. So the settled spices mixed with the liquid and more actively saturated the alcohol with their aromas and tastes.

A week later, I took out a jar of Becherovka from the pantry. I took the smallest sieve that I found at home, laid out its bottom with cotton pads and filtered the tincture through such a home-made filter.

Then I made sugar syrup. To do this, I took spring water and sugar, poured everything into a saucepan and brought it to a boil over low heat. The resulting syrup, I cooled to room temperature.

Now the final part of the “witchcraft”. I poured the cooled sugar syrup into a clean glass jar and added the strained tincture to it, shaking it. Becherovka was ready. But I again closed the jar with a lid. And left for a couple of days in the kitchen cabinet to “rest”.

What was the result

I deliberately did not try my “work” right away. I did not want to taste the drink alone. That’s why I invited my sister. When she arrived, we decided to start the most enjoyable part of the winemaking process – sampling.

So, we opened a home-made Becherovka and poured a couple of sips into glasses. The color was light cognac and transparent. But the scent is amazing. The smell of spices and orange instantly filled the room.

And now we’re taking our first bite. The taste is soft, but very rich. Although the liquor is strong enough, alcohol does not burn.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

You know, maybe I didn’t succeed in repeating the original liqueur, the secret of which is known only to the elite, but we really liked my Becherovka. In order to decide to make such a wonderful drink, it was worth a trip to the Czech Republic. Do you agree with me?

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