- “I was shaking, my lips were dry”: Russians – about the consequences of the Covid vaccine and the level of antibodies
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“I was shaking, my lips were dry”: Russians – about the consequences of the Covid vaccine and the level of antibodies
Three stories of girls who got vaccinated.
Mass vaccination against coronavirus has begun in Russia. In Moscow, for example, they are vaccinated not only in polyclinics, but also in shopping centers, where mobile teams work. The vaccine is done twice, so three weeks after the first injection, you need to return for the second component of the vaccine. The girls who have already gone through both stages told about the consequences of vaccination and the level of acquired antibodies.
Do I need to get vaccinated against coronavirus? What consequences does it cause and how long do antibodies last?
Elena from St. Petersburg was worried about the health of her loved ones, so she agreed to be vaccinated.
– My relative is fighting cancer, and his immune system is undermined by long courses of chemotherapy. Despite the fact that he tries to take care of himself and does not visit crowded places, we continue to see each other regularly. As soon as possible, I signed up for a vaccination against covid, since I do not want to become a carrier of a deadly virus and infect family members, or any other vulnerable person.
“The temperature went up to 39, was shaking.”
The first dose of Sputnik was hard for me. 10 hours after the injection, I started to have a strong chill, the temperature rose to around 39, I was shaking, my heart rate increased. I took an antipyretic and was able to sleep normally. The next day, the symptoms remained a fever, a temperature of 38 and a feeling of fatigue. The fatigue lasted for the next week, and sometimes the temperature rose to 37.
The second dose of Sputnik was easier. On the first day, the temperature rose to 37,5, and the arm at the injection site hurt for ten days. The pain was then relieved with antihistamines, but I did not immediately guess to take it.
“I have already bought theater tickets”
19 days after the second dose was administered, I passed the test for antibodies to the IgG spike protein, and the result showed 145 ou / ml (with a reference of 0-12 ou / ml) – a high level of antibodies from coronavirus. I still intend to take precautions, wear masks, wash my hands thoroughly, but the presence of antibodies brought me great relief. In my family, everyone who could, for health reasons and age, were vaccinated. I worry less about loved ones and finally can gradually return to the lifestyle that was before the pandemic. I have already bought tickets to the theater.
Fitness trainer Anna was also vaccinated in order not to bring the “crown” to elderly relatives.
– I spend a lot of time with my parents – they are elderly, over 70 years old, my mother was recently ill, was undergoing severe treatment. We were warned not to bring the coronavirus to her under any circumstances.
When they began to get vaccinated in Moscow, I went straight away. After the first injection for two or three days, the headache was severe enough and there was weakness. And after the second there were no symptoms at all, not even a headache.
Three weeks later, we did a special test to check for antibodies after vaccination. At the moment I have 157. I will check it in 3-4 months, I am wondering how the indicator will change.
“I was shaking even under the covers”
Our colleague, E1.RU journalist Irina from Yekaterinburg had a very hard time getting vaccinated. He says that it was on her that the domestic development decided to show itself in all its glory.
– Six hours after the vaccination “Sputnik V” carefully began to get acquainted with my body – the temperature rose to 37,1. Without attaching importance to this, I continued to work. Late in the evening, getting behind the wheel, I realized that I would drive especially carefully: I developed a slight photophobia and a serious chill. For the first time in the winter, I turned on the stove to the maximum, but it did not help.
Already at home, the mercury on the thermometer rose to 39,1 in a couple of minutes. I was shaking even under the covers, and my lips were constantly dry from thirst. After taking a pill of paracetamol, I closed my eyes. It has been a long time since I fell asleep so quickly.
In the middle of the night, I woke up with the thought that I had to get up for work. The clock was about 4 o’clock in the morning. Under the covers, it seemed to me that I was in a sauna: the sweat flowed in streams. The thermometer showed a temperature of 38,5, under the second antipyretic tablet I fell asleep.
“The doctors were delighted with my case”
The 8am alarm clock said I had a headache. The fever subsided a bit, but I felt the temperature – 38,1. The editor-in-chief was able to contact the doctors to find out if everything was going according to plan, but the doctors were suddenly delighted with my case: “What a good temperature. So there will be many antibodies! “
Either the pills helped, or the body got used to the vaccine, but on the third day I felt much better. In the morning I woke up with a normal temperature, but I still drank the antihistamine just in case.
A new side effect has appeared, however, it is already more bearable – the hand began to hurt a little at the injection site. And then only when you touch it.
“Breaking records again”
Almost ten hours after the second dose of the vaccine was administered, I felt the already familiar tremors in my body. The thermometer showed 37,1. The symptoms seem to have returned despite the allergy remedy taken.
Apparently, the body strongly disliked neither the coronavirus nor the vaccine. After 12 hours, the thermometer showed 39,3. And I’m breaking records again! Side effects the second time I had a headache, chills, back pain, fever, thirst and unbearable dry mouth.
By the morning, the high temperature, which appeared after the second injection, subsided a little – to 38,2. My head and arm ached, into which the “Sputnik” had been injected. And it was also very sleepy. For several days, the temperature was still kept at around 37.
But, it seems, I suffered for a reason – antibodies are off the charts. The fact that they exist is evidenced by an indicator above 12 OU / ml, and I have 201.0 OU / ml. Doctors say that sometimes even those who have been seriously ill do not have such a result.