“I was afraid to check, because my mother and siblings died of cancer” [PATIENT STORIES]

I heard the diagnosis: endometrial cancer. I waited too long to visit the gynecologist, but it’s good that I have smart sons … – says 56-year-old Mrs. Maria.

Endometrial cancer. Maria’s story

– I’ve been bleeding for a year. My friends told me: go to the gynecologist and finally get a checkup. But I had fear because my mother and siblings died of cancer. It was for this reason that I could not find the strength to reach a specialist – says the woman.

Maria has been a shoemaker for 20 years – but one with traditions. – I inherited my enthusiasm and passion for this rare profession from my parents – my mother in this profession is 30 years old, my father – 20. Everyone needs a shoemaker. And this is fixing the beloved shoes, and this is weighing the upper or shortening it, and this is sticking the sole. However, is this cancer supposed to be? I would prefer more about these shoes …

The rest of the article under the video.

– In 2019, I was 54 years old and had my last period. Throughout this menopause, there was some bleeding throughout 2020, but I thought that was the way it was supposed to be, so I shrugged it off. The anxiety appeared only in January of the following year, i.e. in 2021.

In the end I got to the gynecologist at the National Health Fund. He did not even want to examine me, he immediately wrote down a referral to the hospital for curettage. In February, I still didn’t get to the examination, but I met with my friends. The conversation turned to COVID-19. Two vaccinated so they didn’t get sick, the rest of our nine got the virus, including me. I did not get sick very hard, but still.

Check your cancer risk

Buy an oncology screening package for women

I didn’t get to the curettage anymore, because it is coronavirus and quarantine, but my friends did not forgive it, who reminded me again and again that this examination should be done …

In June, I went for a private visit to the gynecologist, because I was still afraid of the hospital. This time the gynecologist examined me, made an ultrasound and stated that he “didn’t like my uterus”. Due to this bleeding, the cytology was not collected and I was referred again to the hospital for curettage.

The curettage treatment took place in the morning, and in the evening I was home. The procedure did not hurt, waiting for the result very much. I called the hospital on July 6, but there was no result. To my surprise, an advice letter from the hospital came the next day. I was afraid to pick it up – I sent the eldest of my three sons to pick it up. I was supposed to report to the hospital.

I got the result in the hospital on July 9 – from the doctor on the stairs – after I asked him to meet me and give it to me. On Fridays, because then I was to collect the results, there are no scheduled times for meetings with patients. On these stairs I only heard that it is not interesting – endometrial cancer G2.

We were expecting a misdiagnosis, so my son scanned the internet and found information about this da Vinci robot. So go on, standing on the stairs, I ask the doctor what does he think about this job? And he tells me that he does not think anything about it, that someone is lying in one room, and in the other there is a robot that is operating. And with all of this we returned home.

I sat down with my sons, the question was: what are we doing next? They say: mama, we’re calling. One called Krakow, from that hospital with the da Vinci robot, and the other was looking for an oncologist privately.

I went to the oncologist, visit PLN 300. I have a terrible “screamer”. I enter the office and hear that I do not have a mammogram, that I do not take medications after thyroid surgery, that I am not vaccinated, that I have a coronavirus infection. I tell him I’m a healer. He looks at me and asks: what do these results show? So I told him that I was probably stupid. I don’t know if he heard, because he kept shouting and printing something. Then he examined me and I left my office with a referral for surgery.

I left this office full of anger. Then I thought to myself that he turned me around like that, probably out of rage. In front of me, a young girl came out of the office, without her hair, so probably after chemotherapy. Maybe it was his helplessness or a discharge of emotions, because he couldn’t help that woman any more?

I got back to myself and went to the gynecologist privately to ask what he thought about this job. And he replied that he did not know what I was talking about, but was for the news.

The sons called Krakow, they contacted Mrs. Agnieszka from Szpital na Klinach. I struggle with my thoughts all the time: maybe this robot is some magic, maybe not going, not doing this operation. The decision is made by my sons educated in science and it finally rains: mom, let’s go.

Together with Mrs. Agnieszka, I smoothly go through all the procedures. On July 11, the children take me to Krakow, to the hospital, and the next day I have a surgery.

When I entered this hospital, I was speechless. I have rarely used doctors privately, only occasionally. In this hospital, if not in a hospital – what decor, what friendly atmosphere, if I ask for a coffee, they will do it, invite you to donate blood. I felt that someone really cares about me.

I wake up at night. I can only see the outline of some wires, tubes, bags. I’m scared, but the nurses say I’m fine. I think this fear of complications is probably due to anesthesia. They disconnect the drains and catheters, I get up from the bed and go to the balcony, from which you can see the garden next to the hospital. I think: it’s so beautiful and then all this fear disappears.

The endometrial cancer surgery in Maria was performed free of charge with the use of the da Vinci robot at the Hospital in Klinach in Krakow. The hospital is co-financed by European funds. Patients from all over Poland can apply to the program by phone at 785 170 300, or by sending an e-mail to the following address [email protected]

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