“I want to please him…”

Between men and women there are huge discrepancies in relation to oral sex, confirms the French gynecologist and psychotherapist Michel Saal. Therefore, do not be shy to talk about it with each other.


“Fellatio (oral sex, or blowjob) is one of the first places on the list of male desires. Listen to men – each of them must have met a woman who simply adored it. Many are sincerely surprised if their girlfriend is not a fan of fellatio. In fact, not so many women get real pleasure from this activity. Fellatio can be symbolically perceived as the forcible swallowing of male genital organs or their insertion into a hole that is in no way intended by nature for reproduction. These feelings are not for everyone. Sometimes women agree to oral sex just to please a man. But there are those who will not go for it under any circumstances.

There is so much talk these days about the joys of oral sex that some women start to worry if they’re okay if they don’t like it. Forget about feeling guilty, because it’s okay not to do what we don’t like. And not to force your body is also normal.

Fellatio can be perceived positively, as a complete merging of bodies, absorbing a beloved being. If not, it is necessary to understand why this barrier appeared in the personal experience of a woman. Teenage girls who want to grow up quickly often begin their sex life with fellatio. This is understandable: oral sex does not require special conditions, it allows you to gain experience, while maintaining virginity and not getting pregnant. However, fellatio as a substitute for full-fledged sex causes frustration and guilt in a woman towards her partner.

More experienced women fall into their own trap when, in an effort to win a man, they pretend that they love to give blowjobs. Cheating is not the best basis for a sexual relationship. Find the strength within yourself to say, “I don’t like this.” In the end, an equal dialogue involves not only the ability to listen to a partner and anticipate his desires, but also the willingness to tell the truth and respect the feelings of another. Building trust in sex can sometimes be difficult, for example, if a woman has experienced sexual violence. In this case, the help of a therapist is required.

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