I want such a husband! Male stars who cook better than many women

These guys are talented not only in movies and on stage, but also work wonders in the kitchen.

Who would have thought that the once bad guy Snoop Dogg would get into cooking and even publish his own recipe book. The rapper’s first cookbook, From Crook to Cook, was released in 2018. In the edition of 50 recipes from Snoop from his personal collection. There are both simple everyday dishes and gourmet ones. For example, the French food “Lobster Thermidor”, which, apparently, is often served at luxurious rapper parties. And pay attention: not a single delicacy from the ingredients prohibited by law.

Snoop was greatly influenced by his longtime girlfriend, TV presenter Martha Stewart. They met in 2008 when Martha invited the rapper to her show. And 8 years later, friends launched their TV show “Martha and Snoop’s Dinner Party.”

The former footballer is the main chef in his family. He even took cooking classes in Italy and can now make delicious pasta from scratch. And once David conjured over pies in front of the camera to advertise a supermarket.

In addition, Beckham has a famous chef Gordon Ramsay as friends, who periodically shares his culinary secrets. So, with the suggestion of Ramsay, Beckham learned how to cook excellent Wellington beef – a traditional English dish of beef tenderloin in puff pastry stuffed with mushrooms.

Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel love to spend time together in the kitchen.

“She loves to cook. And I love to bake … So we have both dinner and dessert, “- said the singer on one of the TV shows.

So all the birthday cakes, Christmas cookies, and Thanksgiving meringues are all on Justin.

It would seem, why does Neil need the ability to cook? After all, his partner is the chef David Bartka. However, over 17 years of marriage, Neil seems to have followed David into cooking. Now the guys are cooking with their 10-year-old children – son Gideon and daughter Harper.

Once the star of the series “How I Met Your Mother” admitted that he was very upset by the children’s menu in restaurants. Solid nuggets and buttered pasta.

“Is this a full meal? – Neal was indignant in an interview Popsugar… “David taught us all to value food and try new foods. Therefore, our children love snails, fish and different types of vegetables. “

In 2015, Cooper starred in the film Chef Adam Jones (Burnt). In front of the camera, the actor intricately cuts vegetables and skillfully decorates ready-made dishes. As it turns out, the actor didn’t just learn to imitate the culinary skills required for the role. No, Bradley Cooper really knows how to cook and does it every day.

Here upbringing affected – Cooper comes from a large Italian family where they love and know how to cook. The future star constantly helped her grandmother in the kitchen. Later, the grown-up Cooper worked as an assistant waiter in a Greek restaurant and as an assistant chef in an Italian restaurant.

“Being close to food always calms me down,” the actor once admitted.

One of the main villains in Hollywood, the star of the movie “Lovely Bones” is also an excellent chef. The actor even released his own cookbook inspired by his grandparents’ Italian dishes. From time to time, Stanley shares video recipes on Instagram.

For example, here is his recipe for potato dumplings, which he often cooked for the family during his isolation.

“This dish requires few ingredients, it’s easy to prepare, and everyone loves it,” says the actor. – You can serve the dumplings with pesto or marinara sauces, fresh cherry tomatoes cooked in oil and garlic, or with sage oil. You will need:

  • 700 g of potatoes;

  • salt;

  • 1 egg and egg yolk;

  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil;

  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg;

  • 100 – 125 g flour;

  • 85 g of finely grated Parmesan cheese;

  • flour for rolling and semolina flour for sprinkling.

Pour the potatoes in their skins with water, salt and bring to a low boil. Cook until the potatoes are tender so that you can easily pierce them with a fork, but do not boil too much to break them apart.

Drain the potatoes and let cool slightly, then peel them off. The easiest way to do this is when the potatoes are still warm. Mash the potatoes in a bowl with a fork or potato grinder. Try to get rid of the lumps.

Make a depression in the center and sprinkle the potatoes with 1 tablespoon salt. Spread the cheese and ¾ cup flour over the edge of the well. Combine egg, butter, nutmeg and add to the hole. Stir all the ingredients with a fork, and then knead the dough. Add more flour if needed.

Lightly flour the work surface, take a piece of dough and roll it into a thin “log” 1 cm thick. Cut into small pieces and place on a tray of flour (ideally with semolina). Make sure each dumpling is floured.

Dumplings can be cooked directly in boiling salted water. Or refrigerate. Boil the dumplings in salted water. Just don’t throw too much into the pot. As soon as they come up, wait another minute, and then put in the pan along with the sauce. “

The American Family star has started a culinary blog with his girlfriend and professional chef Julie Tanus. Their favorite recipes can be found at julieandjessecook.com. And in March this year, their collaborative cookbook, Food Between Friends, will go on sale. Ferguson also became an investor in one of the restaurants. Once the actor admitted: if he had not played in the movies, he would have gone to culinary school.

One of the actor’s favorite recipes is cinnamon sugar donuts. For cooking you will need:

  • 260 g flour;

  • 75 g whole wheat flour;

  • 170 grams of sugar;

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;

  • ½ teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg;

  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon;

  • ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger;

  • 1 teaspoon of coarse table salt;

  • 300 ml whey or buttermilk;

  • 1 egg;

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • 5 teaspoons of oil.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and sprinkle donut baking trays with oil. In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and salt.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the whey, eggs, vanilla, and melted butter. Add to dry mixture and mix thoroughly. Fill each donut pan about halfway. Bake for 8-10 minutes. Then transfer to a wire rack and let cool for 5 minutes. Mix 1/2 cup sugar with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Dip the cooled, but still warm donuts in sugar and cinnamon. Serve the donuts warm.

Star of the 2016s, made famous by the movie “It’s All She”, often disappears in the kitchen. And then he shows off photos of ready-made meals on Instagram. In XNUMX, the actor even released a cookbook, Back to the Kitchen. Moreover, the book received many positive reviews. It turns out that as a child, Freddie often cooked with his mother and even almost went to culinary school. The actor prefers spicy food and often hosts large dinner parties.

“I love cooking for people. Restaurants are great, but dining in your own living room is even better, ”he said in an interview.

The famous dancer from Russia moved to the USA in 2003 and several years later became a regular participant and choreographer of the American version of the show “Dancing with the Stars”.

And not so long ago, Artyom entered the American Culinary Institute to improve his skills in the kitchen. Artyom’s fiancee, former WWE wrestler Nikki Bella, said that Artyom made such a decision during self-isolation.

“During the pandemic, we were once again convinced that when some doors close, others open. We lost our job, but found out what we wanted to do in life, understood what our next steps are. “

By the way, last summer Nikki and Artem became parents for the first time. The boy was named Matteo.

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