I want feet from ears! The expert told how to increase height without heels

At what age does a person stop growing? Why do children tend to grow taller than their parents and is it possible to grow up at will?

Scientists have long been engaged in anthropometric research that sheds light on the physiology of the human body. But, despite the extensive knowledge and research base, it is impossible to predict the exact amount of growth and the period of its completion in a particular individual. Too many factors influence this process. We can only talk about average indicators. But here’s what’s interesting. If we compare modern indicators with past centuries, we can observe that people have become, on average, taller than their predecessors. For example, in the 160th century, the average height of a person was 165 cm, now it is already XNUMX cm. By the standards of evolution, this is very fast. Acceleration, that is, the accelerated development of the organism, is evident. The improvement of living conditions, the quality of nutrition, and medical care also have an effect, thanks to vaccination, children are less likely to suffer from diseases that retard physical development. 

Evidence-based therapist, OGBUZ “Polyclinic No. 2” of Smolensk

– It is generally accepted that a person grows up to 20–25 years old, but I disagree with that. Yes, we can deduce the average if we survey the population, but this data does not answer the question of how old you will grow up to. The development of a person in height ends when the growth zones of tubular bones are closed. In girls, this occurs after the end of puberty, this is 16-17 years. In men, puberty ends later, so there is more time for growth. Therefore, I will say this, there is no information that will mark the end of growth. It is an individualized program based on genetics and other factors.

What determines the growth of a person?

Наследственность. The height of a person is 80 percent determined by genes. Scientists have found that 180 genes are responsible for this process (data from scientists working within the Genome-wide Investigation of ANthropometric consortium). In other words, if several generations of the same family were distinguished by high growth, then the descendants, most likely, will also not be short. By the way, you can calculate the height with an error of 5 centimeters using the formulas. For boys: (father’s height + mother’s height × 1,08): 2. For girls: (father’s height × 0,923 + mother’s height): 2.

Health status… The hormone somatotropin is responsible for growth; it triggers the formation of bone and muscle tissue. Thanks to growth hormone, the tubular bones of the limbs increase in length, and their growth occurs. By the way, growth hormone is also involved in the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Normally, the concentration of growth hormone changes several times during life: the maximum is in children and adolescents, the minimum is in old age. Therefore, it is important that during the period of intensive development of the body, the hormonal system functions without problems. The growth of an adult depends on this indicator. A critical deficiency of the hormone growth hormone can cause a disease such as dwarfism, and its excess – gigantism.

In addition, some chronic ailments also slow down growth, these are pathologies of the intestines, lungs, kidneys, liver, heart. After recovery, as a rule, the child begins to make up for lost centimeters.

Food… It also affects growth processes. For a child’s body to develop correctly, nutrition must be balanced. In the daily diet, proteins are required, the building material of the body: cottage cheese, low-fat meats, eggs, as well as vegetables and fruits. Vitamin A is favorable for growth – there is a lot of it in fish, liver, fresh herbs. But sweets need to be dosed – it has been proven that glucose inhibits growth hormone.    

Climate… Scientists believe that in hot climates, average growth rates are lower than those of those living in more northern latitudes. Excess UV light inhibits the production of growth hormone. This thesis is confirmed by research data: the tallest people are residents of the Netherlands, their average height is 174,5 cm, and the smallest live in Malta (164,9).

Sport… Several types of activity help teenagers to pull themselves up a few centimeters: stretching exercises, regular exercises on the horizontal bar, swimming, basketball. Physical education not only affects the appearance, but also has a beneficial effect on health, metabolic processes, and forms endurance. But strength sports, hard physical work can slow down growth.

In addition, among the main factors of development are adequate sleep, physical activity, lack of stress, a favorable environmental situation (air quality, nutrition, etc.).

Is it possible to increase growth?

Your own external data can become a source of psychological problems for insecure people. Or become a condition for a successful career, as, for example, in the modeling business, where the main requirements are for the growth of models. Just a few centimeters decides the prospect of a successful career. In this case, there are several ways to change natural data.

1. Surgical operation. The legs are lengthened by a surgical fracture of the thigh or lower leg bones and their further fusion. The procedure is not easy; the recovery period takes at least a year. Thus, you can increase the height up to 10 cm.

2. Hormonal drugs that stimulate bone growth. This method has age restrictions, it can be used while the “growth zones” are open. The result is up to 10-12 cm. After the growth of the body has stopped, medications will not help to grow up.

And, of course, there are tons of ways to get taller visually with clothes and shoes. Here’s an example of Kylie Minogue.

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