I tried to make butterbeer from Harry Potter in an ordinary pan: I share the recipe and the result

One autumn evening… Okay, it wasn’t that long ago. In general, the wife and daughter decided to arrange a small marathon of classic films. My offer to refresh the memory of “Fight Club” or at least “The Godfather” was rejected, citing that “there is nothing for children to watch this.”

After some discussion without me, the remaining members of the family chose “Harry Potter and all that he had there” and sat down to watch.

As you might have guessed, the supply of food and drinks was not large enough to feed the sweet tooth baby and adult children keeping up with him for 8 films. This became clear after the third episode of the Potter series.

This story was sent by subscriber Elisha.


So, as a caring father and husband, I had to do something and save the family from a lack of goodies. Impressed by the film, an order was made for a Butterbeer, like Harry’s, and I decided to dream up.

I want to share a rather extraordinary experience for me, since nature has not endowed me with any outstanding talents in the field of cooking. I should note, however, that this does not apply at all to mixing cocktails and preparing drinks.

Here my charisma is able to shine brightly, I interfere with everything that interferes, and it turns out delicious! As it turned out later, I was on the verge of an unexpected success, which you too can repeat.


What you need:

  • cream 10% (cream beer, you can’t do without them);
  • toffees (as many as you can conjure, I have 9 pieces, the rest was eaten by a child);
  • ice cream – 70 gr.;
  • cinnamon (I found a mixture for apple pie, I recommend);
  • schweppes or other soda, to your taste;
  • Baileys (Beilis).

On the Internet they write that you need to add ale and pinocchio lemonade, but my recipe will not disappoint you either. For lovers and fans of the book, please note that there is no official recipe, so every wizard can cook it as he imagines. I’m like that.

How much does magic cost

As for the price tag:

  1. Liquor Baileys (Baileys) can be bought on average for 1000 rubles. (0,5 l).
  2. I have milk candies from Vkusvill in my recipe, but they are perfect, and a regular pack of Korovka costs about 60 rubles, you can buy it by weight.
  3. Cream will suit any 10%, cost around 60-90 rubles.
  4. Ice cream now costs more than in the days of my youth, 70 rubles.
  5. With regards to soda, you can generally roam, at least Pinocchio for 30 rubles, even Schweppes for 64 (but 0,5 cans are enough for us, so about 40 rubles). Cinnamon is most often somewhere on the shelf, but we will also bring it into list.

Total: ~1240 rubles.

The cooking process

To begin with, place 3 toffees and 30 ml of cream in a saucepan (the number of products depends on preferences, I will write on average for one serving), then put on fire and stir over medium heat so that it does not burn.

Bring the mass to a density, but do not overcook, then add cinnamon and other seasonings as desired. While the toffees are cooling in the blender, add another 30 ml of milk / cream and ice cream, mix.

After that, add ¾ of the mass of the toffee mixture, beat. But if you prefer a more moderate sweetness, then about half. Something very similar and tasty is already being taught.

Before pouring into a glass, you can decorate it with our toffee mixture, for this, using a teaspoon, pour it on the sides of the mug with small drops or strokes. In my case, smudges turned out, they seem to look good. Alas, the effect will be only if the glass is transparent.

Finish line. Soda time! Add to your taste (of course, trying) 150-200 ml of Schweppes or something similar. Mix carefully.

I recommend trying it with tonic, because the slight bitterness of the drink goes well with sweetness, giving something third, very interesting. But it would be interesting to try with the usual sweetish lemonade. In this form, you can take butter beer to the children’s table.

For adults, the last point is to add about one and a half to two caps of Baileys. Its creamy taste, in my opinion, goes well with the concept of the drink being made.

Checking taste and appearance

When all the manipulations are completed, you can send “beer” for a test drive to critics.

The ratings are on top, adults and little fans of the boy with a scar are satisfied, look further. From myself I want to say that it is very sweet and you can add a little less sweets, but the girls like it, so see for yourself.

And by the way, what would you come up with a recipe for a magical drink? I think there was something with the ale…

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