I take advantage, let’s collaborate reducing waste

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment launches a new awareness campaign to seek to reduce food waste.

On June 8, the “Waste Reduction Week” with different promotional actions, aimed at disseminating and making all Spaniards aware of the important as well as the necessary optimization of resources and raw materials in the field of food.

With the most direct motto of recent times, “I take advantage, and you?”, a joint action is sought at the national level to minimize waste, which according to international sources such as FAO, 1 in 3 food is wasted.

Different promotional events will be distributed throughout the peninsular geography so that from the professionals of the restoration and the hotel industry, to the public in general, they become aware that the best way to achieve balance and resource reallocation It starts with minimizing waste.

Spaniards are within the Top Ten of those who waste the most, ranking seventh within the European Union, and although it is not too worthy to be within the statistic, members as important as Germany, France or the United Kingdom surpass us, for This is necessary to ensure that consciousness is exported to other community populations.

The objective is clear and after recent studies of the FAO and at BIO Intelligence Service, We must reduce to the maximum the almost 90 million tons of waste, causing losses per citizen of the European Union of 179kg per inhabitant.

In the analysis that has been carried out, it is perceived that the largest generator of waste is the home, followed by food manufacturing processes, and further afield, hospitality services and distribution.

For him “Preparatory Study on food waste across EU 27” The data it produces is chilling, giving the following percentages for each factor that generates food waste that is avoidable in most cases:

  •  42% of households
  • 39% of the factories
  • 14% of the hospitality industry
  • 5% of the distribution.

The action plan for Waste Reduction Week

These are actions aimed at the food sector, the consumer and the child public, in order to provide this awareness throughout the entire production and consumption chain, while at the same time beginning to raise awareness among the smallest of the problem that can accrue from these excesses.

Two guides have been published to prevent food waste, one of them aimed at the final consumer, seeking to balance consumption and purchase from a responsible level to all homes and professionals, and the second, aimed at schools, so that through From the didactic material that has been developed for the occasion, the fry are made aware of this matter.

The set of measures will be carried out through the Week and Workshop for the co-creation of “Buen Profit” where several experts will try to present their criteria and ways of optimizing the processes on a day-to-day basis to achieve this.

The Decalogue to achieve waste reduction


From the Magrama, we are presented 10 Measurements and actions within the day-to-day culinary and gastronomic activity that will surely help us all to contribute our bit to minimize waste.

  1. Plan your menu

    weekly and avoid


  2. Buy form

    responsable. Take away

    a list and acquire

    just what you need.

  3. Store food

    correctly and

    organize your fridge.

  4. Read the labels well and

    differentiate the date of

    expiration date

    preferential consumption.

  5. Respect the chain

    of cold.

  6. Don’t eat through the eyes.

    Ask only for what you

    go eat.

  7. Each serving, the

    appropriate size.

  8. Take advantage of

    leftover food

    and reuse

    with creativity.

  9. In the restaurant, no

    do not hesitate to ask for the

    leftovers to go.

  10. Freeze food

    to preserve them better.

All the information and the program of activities can be found on the website of the week of reducing food waste, which is provided through the food portal .es

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