I sprinkle antiseptic even on food: how I save myself from viruses

Disinfection, disinfection and disinfection again – you can hear it now from every iron. Frightened women wash the whole apartment anyway, and if someone from the household, God forbid, sneezed, a persistent smell of bleach reigns in the apartment. The most panicky employee of Wday.ru told how her life is arranged these days.

I’m really, really scared. I myself am at risk for bronchial asthma. And my son and I try to practically not leave the house. More precisely, it doesn’t come out at all, and I have to walk the dog and sometimes go grocery shopping, because the delivery service is nowhere to be found.

For several days I studied all the recommendations for cleaning the apartment in order to protect myself at least at home. And this is the regime we are living in now.

– In the corridor on the bedside table I have a pack of alcohol wipes… If I leave the house, when I return, I wipe everything I could touch with them until I washed my hands. For example, a doorknob on both sides.

– It stands here basket… Everyone who enters an apartment puts a phone and keys in it. Then he wipes his hands with an antiseptic, changes clothes, washes his hands normally – soaping for at least 20 seconds. And then he treats the key ring and smartphone with an alcohol napkin. Only then can the phone be used at home.

Shoe soles wash every time I return home with disinfectant. So are the paws of a dog. Gloves I immediately throw it into the wash.

– I was looking in stores chlorine floor cleaning products… There is nothing anywhere. As a result, in one shop within walking distance I saw the last two bottles of Belizna. I grabbed it, threw it in water, washed the whole apartment.

Wet cleaning I do it twice a day. I read the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor: first you need to clean the living rooms, then the kitchen, then the bathroom. And wash the toilet last. I follow them. I use disposable gloves for each room, then throw them away immediately.

– For cleaning I use only disposable rags and napkins… Unfortunately, it’s too expensive, so I went through the children’s closet and use old clothes under the rags.

– My dishes are in the dishwasher. I put maximum possible temperature… Previously, I rarely ran it, more often I washed it with my hands. Now there is no time to save energy. What cannot be washed in a machine, I additionally rinse it with boiling water.

Kitchen worktops mine exclusively with “chemistry”. The smell in the apartment is awful. But on the other hand, I know for sure that the countertops are clean.

– Packaging of groceries from the store all I treat with an antiseptic… After that, I additionally disinfect or wash my hands. I disassemble the products only with gloves, I throw them away after use.

– We drink water exclusively from bottles. I wash fruits and vegetables with hot water and soap, only then put them in the refrigerator or in a vase. I don’t buy cooking any more – you never know who could sneeze on it, passing by. I buy only packaged meat, it is better – in a vacuum package.

– I regret that it is impossible to boil clothes… I wash, of course, according to one or another fabric instruction, but then I iron everything from two sides: front and back. Underwear including.

– Constantly ventilate an apartment.

– Every time after someone has washed their hands, pouring boiling water over the sink.

– At the end of the day, when everyone went to bed, one more time I wipe the surfaces with disinfectants… Especially door handles, taps, TV remotes and so on.

To be honest, I don’t have time for anything else. Now I have a feeling that all I do is put things in order. But at the same time, it seems to me that the apartment is still full of dirt and an infection around me. If it were possible, I probably would have sealed the ventilation holes so that the virus does not enter the apartment through them. I know this is panic and paranoia. But I don’t know how to protect the family in another way. Doing everything I can.

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