I spent 40 rubles to open a winery, but normal wine went only 000 years later: I tell you what I went through and was the game worth the candle

One fine day I decided to open my own winery. In the field itself, I more or less understood, and I also had friends who could help with advice. I started by writing a business plan.

As it turned out, opening your own winery is a very difficult and long-term process. All the way to the present production of wine took about 5 years. It was necessary to invest very large funds for development and bringing it to a plus, but I decided to take a chance and have not regretted it even once.

This story was sent by my subscriber Roman.

Can you open your own winery?

At the very beginning, I registered my business with the tax office. There it was necessary to decide whether I would be listed as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or as a peasant farm (peasant farm).

The whole difference is that an individual entrepreneur is one specific person who will own the entire business, and a peasant farm receives the status of a small community in which a head is selected who receives the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Responsibility for taxes is also distributed. The sole proprietorship is responsible for personal income tax and is required to pay 13% of each employee’s salary.

The peasant farm is exempted from such an obligation, and in addition, it receives certain benefits if it leases land directly from the state.

Without thinking twice, I took shape as an individual entrepreneur, because I’m used to solving all things myself.

Now there is a trend for the consumption of wine from new producers. This is evidenced by a survey of Russians, in which 62% of respondents want to try new varieties and brands. And according to statistics, over the past 2 years, the wines of newly minted winemakers, whose wine has been produced since 2015-2016, have been selling better. Now the average annual percentage of sales is 45%, but every year it grows by an average of 4-5 points. Russia needs new wineries – Wine expert, Alexey Zhmykhin.

What licenses and special licenses are needed

After registering my IP, I went to get a license to open a company and manufacture.

The production license is the most important document. It is issued by a separate body of the state, called Rosalkogolregulirovanie or RAP. If you have chosen the path of an individual entrepreneur, then you need to complete all the necessary papers at the tax office, namely:

  • Evidence of the existence of a vineyard;
  • Evidence of the presence of a warehouse and production premises;
  • A copy of the contract with the product quality laboratory.

You can look at the copy of the license that is currently being issued. Mine has been in production for the eighth year now.

My license is hanging in a glass case, brand new, like it was issued yesterday.

Those who decide to exist as peasant farms will have a slightly different procedure. You need to bring the same papers as for individual entrepreneurs, but production restrictions will apply. You will be able to produce no more than 50 liters of wine per year.

You will need to complete a statement stating that you agree to this limitation. The application must also be certified, because if you violate this restriction, you will be punished in the form of criminal liability, with confiscation of property, materials and equipment.

It took me several days to complete the documents, which can be considered a rather short time. After that, all I had to do was pay all the fees, and I could get to work.

Now Russian winemaking is just getting on its feet. Many new systems of work are being formed, in many respects similar to the French ones. Territories will only expand every year. The owner of a large wine production, Vitaly.

How much will it cost to pay taxes and fees

Today, the taxation system has a drastic effect on the economy of small wineries. Any winery has a small limitation in itself.

According to the legislation of our country, such an enterprise cannot be listed under the simplified tax payment system, but is obliged to comply with the general system that applies to all other businesses.

The most important tax that needs to be paid is the license tax. It can be the most troublesome, and it can differ depending on the type of enterprise. For individual entrepreneurs, it will be 65 rubles, and for peasant farms from 000 to 50 rubles. You also need to pay additional taxes such as:

  • excise taxes;
  • UST;
  • income tax.

Their cost is measured from 20 to 100 thousand rubles a month. On the spot, I was warned that depending on the volume of production, the amount of these taxes may vary.

At the first stage, you have to do a lot yourself, but then it pays off with interest.

As a result of such taxation, I will give up to 45% of my profits, and this is without excise taxes.

How much will it cost to open your own winery

The final amount of money that I spent on opening the winery was huge. It can vary depending on hundreds of nuances – what specialists you will hire, what equipment you will purchase, and also what kind of room you will build to store all this.

If you calculate approximately, then you can give the following list of my expenses:

  1. Examination and cultivation of the soil – 30 thousand rubles per hectare.
  2. Land for growing grapes – 200-250 thousand rubles per hectare.
  3. Saplings – 500 thousand rubles per hectare.
  4. Premises for storage and production – 20 million rubles.
  5. Equipment for production – 7-9 million rubles.
  6. Equipment – 2 million rubles a year.
  7. Payment of licenses and other taxes – 75 thousand rubles.

In total, I spent 315 thousand rubles on the purchase, processing and agricultural work per hectare, and I spent more than 39 million rubles on the purchase of equipment and construction …

Pleasure is not cheap. Further, everything will depend on you. What area will you undertake to plow? How many wines do you plan to produce per year? What is the burden on employees? And other moments. The most important thing is not to save too much on equipment.

Is it profitable to do this

Despite such a cost when creating a winery, payback did not come immediately. I have been waiting for more than one year for the grape harvest to grow, the wine to infuse, and the company itself to gain at least some fame.

But everything turned out more than successfully, and now I have a rich future for a famous winemaker.

The cost of my products today is from 700 to 1 rubles per 000 bottle. Every year we expand, which gives motivation for new achievements and new feats. After 1 years of running this business, I wondered if it was profitable to open such a large enterprise?

Would it be better to invest in something else? And after a little reflection, I can give the following advice. If you are already financially secure in life, but want something new, or just plan to improve the quality of life, then take it.

With its payback, the winemaking business is a very profitable enterprise, and can bring me several million rubles a month in net money.

And this is far from the limit. But that’s just my humble, subjective opinion. Do you agree with him, and what do you think about opening a winery?

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