Whiskey, sambuca and absinthe… All of these newfangled things have probably been tried by each of us. And personally, I don’t understand: why should I pay seven times more for the same moonshine in a bottle with an imported sticker, if it is quite possible to make it yourself, and in a variety of tastes?
We have developed moonshine to the level of art. But! One of the main conditions for a successful natural product is a reliable moonshine still. I looked closely for a long time, and opted for the Good Heat moonshine still. And now I want to share, friends, with you my experience.
Good to know: “Good Heat” is not a specific device, but a manufacturer. In the catalog you can find not only moonshine stills and breweries. There are also barbecues, homemade smokehouses and all sorts of useful things.
The story was sent by my subscriber Sergey L.
Description of the device
So, I chose a device for myself from the “Home” category with a volume of 30 liters. It cost me almost 18 thousand.
But if you take a unit with a cube of a smaller volume, then you can fit in 12-14 thousand. The design is standard and very simple:
- Distillation cube made of stainless steel with a thickened bottom;
- Sukhoparnik;
- Bimetal thermometer;
- Refrigerator flow type.
Separately, I will tell about the refrigerator. It has 5 turns, and this is important to cool the moonshine to a safe temperature when draining. And this is not all the features of the device. What else I have selected for myself:
- The presence of a thermometer – experienced people do without it, but for beginners a very necessary thing;
- A spacious refrigerator is also valuable, it saves time;
- Wide mouth – no watering can is needed, the mash can be poured directly from the canister;
- Bottom – according to the manufacturer, it is thickened and contains ferromagnets. Who understands, he understood. Such a unit can be placed on any type of stove: gas, electric and even induction. This is true, I saw a friend with a similar, but larger volume, just on an induction stove.
Well, steel, yes. It is easy to wash, clean, does not give any aftertaste to the finished drink. Everything, as stated in the instructions. Yes, by the way, the seams are also welded with high quality and look reliable.
Comparison with classmates
From personal experience, I have nothing to compare with, since this is my first moonshine still. But after asking friends, here’s what I came up with:
- If you want to save the budget, pay attention to the Phoenix series. Cheap and cheerful, complete set, just a bit different steel and assembly. Personally, I’m more comfortable paying more and getting a quality guarantee.
- Luksstal offers such a cool thing as a mini-distillery at home. There are a lot of bells and whistles, a cube with thickened walls and a bottom up to 5 mm, various types of distillation are provided. Saw with friends, very satisfied. Has been using for over a year now.
- A separate category is imported moonshine stills. I believe that it is not worth buying an ordinary unit, ours are no worse. But if you don’t regret 25-30 thousand, then you can buy a high-quality steam generator for distillation, for example, the Finlandia brand.
And this is the “Finland”
Where to buy in Russian cities and at what price
In fact, the Dobry Zhar company itself is located in Moscow. But if you live in another city, no problem. You can order the device on the Internet and get it delivered to your home or country house.
The price will not change for the regions, it changes only depending on the configuration. For example, the same “Good Heat” Triumph, the sales leader, can be bought for 15 thousand, but without an alembic.
What is nice: when buying any device, they give not one, but several gifts. What I received:
- Hose;
- Fermentation capacity;
- Alcoholometer;
- Faucet adapter;
- Moonshine recipe book;
- Packet of hop yeast
- Gift Certificate.
In my opinion, everything is very cool and worthy. As long as I’m happy with everything. Although I heard from some that they started having problems after about a year of use. Who used, tell me, is it or not, and how did you solve the issue?