I share a recipe for homemade vermouth from moonshine and cherry branches, which can be prepared even in winter

Before a meal, I like to treat my friends with vermouth. Somehow, a crazy thought flashed through: not to replace the drink with a product of our own production.

Moreover, in recent years, alcohol prices, in contrast to wages, began to grow exponentially. I set out to try to make a kind of vermouth myself.

This story was sent to us by our subscriber Oleg Yurievich.

Why I decided to make alcohol myself

I like to experiment with moonshine, I consider it a universal basis. And although now a large selection of various concentrates, food additives for refining moonshine has appeared on sale, I prefer natural ingredients.

It is relatively easy to make cognac or whiskey from moonshine, but an analogue of wine is a task. There are many ways to make homemade vermouth, but the abundance of ingredients and complex recipes scared away.

I wanted to come up with something of my own.

Road going by walking.

It is easy to dilute the drink to the desired strength, but it was necessary to tinker with creating the desired color and taste. I decided to try decoctions. If the chips of fruit trees, when smoked, give a different flavor, then the decoctions can give different flavors.

After several failures, we managed to get a fortified drink using an unusual technology based on cherry broth.

What ingredients are required

The recipe for the drink is simple. For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • dry branches of cherry;
  • moonshine with a strength of 40-42% – 0,5 l;
  • 2 / 3 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 0,7-1 liters of water.

All components are readily available and inexpensive. Moonshine is desirable to use double distillation, cut off the “tails” with a strength in the stream of at least 45% alc., To avoid fusel aroma.

The cooking process

Break two handfuls of dry cherry twigs. It is branches – no need to cut trees.

Important: green branches cannot be used, there will be unpleasant bitterness, I was convinced from my own experience.

Place the sprigs in a saucepan, rinse and cover with water. I prefer spring water, it tastes better than tap water. Bring the resulting composition to a boil and simmer for one hour over low heat.

Water should completely cover the layer of twigs, it is allowed to add water

Important: when boiling, plaque is formed, so it is better to use old dishes, otherwise you can earn extraordinary duty in the kitchen.

Then tightly cover the pan with a lid, cool under natural conditions to room temperature. Filter the decoction. The easiest way to do this is with a funnel and cotton cosmetic pads – they are easy to change and provide good cleaning. From the resulting broth, take about 0,5 liters.

Important: a larger volume is not needed, otherwise the drink will lose its strength.

After, add the rest of the ingredients to the broth: first, pour sugar, dissolve it, then add citric acid and add moonshine.

The mixture is poured into an appropriate container and placed in a dark place for a day. This completes the preparation. The drink is ready to drink.

Important: if sediment is visible at the bottom, the resulting mixture is additionally filtered.

What result did I get

The result was a curious drink with a characteristic taste and amber color, with a strength of 18-20% alc.

I am not a supporter of using containers from other drinks. You always want to emphasize your skill, originality. Therefore, I pour it into a neutral dish.

Drink served with ice

The advantages of my vermouth in comparison with the purchased:

  1. There is no time factor: if berry wines and tinctures are prepared during the ripening period of berries, then the cherry tree is always at hand.
  2. Simple and fast.
  3. Budget price. Price range, for example, vermouth: 800-1000 rubles per liter. The cost of my option is practically determined by the cost of making moonshine.
  4. No chemical concentrates. A small amount of citric acid is harmless.

I tried to make a kind of aperitif from simple moonshine at minimal cost, reminiscent of vermouth in taste and strength.

Treating friends, I hinted at the Italian origin of the drink. But the trick did not work, they demanded to show the bottle. I had to repent and, under general laughter, tell the truth. In the end, the drink was liked, especially by the fairer sex, and got a start in life.

Perhaps someone tried to do something similar, it will be interesting to exchange views.

Dear readers, remember that alcohol abuse harms your body. Take care of yourself!

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