I see the goal

When planning for the new year, intending to build or finally start saving, do not be too conscientious. You should not think through all the details and the smallest steps – such paradoxical advice is given by psychologists at the University of Florida (USA).

When planning for the new year, intending to build or finally start saving, do not be too conscientious. You should not think through all the details and the smallest steps – such paradoxical advice is given by psychologists at the University of Florida (USA). They found that by focusing on a strategy we have developed, we can overlook other ways to achieve our goal (for example, not only diet, but also jogging with a girlfriend can make us slim) and we are more likely to succumb to the temptation to deviate from the new rule. When students were asked to save a certain amount of money during the experiment, it was those who had a clear savings plan who violated it at the first opportunity by buying something tasty. It seems to be more useful not to engage in meticulous planning, but to imagine in detail what exactly we want to achieve, hang up pieces of paper with reminders of the goal and … rely on the will of the unconscious, which will lead in the right direction.

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